// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT. // source: household.proto // package声明符,用来防止不同的消息类型有命名冲突 package v1 import ( fmt "fmt" proto "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto" math "math" ) // Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used. var _ = proto.Marshal var _ = fmt.Errorf var _ = math.Inf // This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file // is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against. // A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the // proto package needs to be updated. const _ = proto.ProtoPackageIsVersion3 // please upgrade the proto package type LoginRequest struct { PhoneEncrypt string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=phone_encrypt,json=phoneEncrypt,proto3" json:"phone_encrypt"` UserEncrypt string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=user_encrypt,json=userEncrypt,proto3" json:"user_encrypt"` PhoneIv string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=phone_iv,json=phoneIv,proto3" json:"phone_iv"` UserIv string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=user_iv,json=userIv,proto3" json:"user_iv"` Code string `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=code,proto3" json:"code"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *LoginRequest) Reset() { *m = LoginRequest{} } func (m *LoginRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*LoginRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*LoginRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{0} } func (m *LoginRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_LoginRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *LoginRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_LoginRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *LoginRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_LoginRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *LoginRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_LoginRequest.Size(m) } func (m *LoginRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_LoginRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_LoginRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *LoginRequest) GetPhoneEncrypt() string { if m != nil { return m.PhoneEncrypt } return "" } func (m *LoginRequest) GetUserEncrypt() string { if m != nil { return m.UserEncrypt } return "" } func (m *LoginRequest) GetPhoneIv() string { if m != nil { return m.PhoneIv } return "" } func (m *LoginRequest) GetUserIv() string { if m != nil { return m.UserIv } return "" } func (m *LoginRequest) GetCode() string { if m != nil { return m.Code } return "" } type HouseholdHouseInfo struct { GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` GardenName string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=garden_name,json=gardenName,proto3" json:"garden_name"` HouseId int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=house_id,json=houseId,proto3" json:"house_id"` HouseName string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=house_name,json=houseName,proto3" json:"house_name"` Id int64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id"` // 住户在该房屋下的类型 1 业主 2 家人 3 租客 UserType int32 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=user_type,json=userType,proto3" json:"user_type"` CanPay bool `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=can_pay,json=canPay,proto3" json:"can_pay"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdHouseInfo) Reset() { *m = HouseholdHouseInfo{} } func (m *HouseholdHouseInfo) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdHouseInfo) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdHouseInfo) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{1} } func (m *HouseholdHouseInfo) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdHouseInfo.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdHouseInfo) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdHouseInfo.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdHouseInfo) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdHouseInfo.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdHouseInfo) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdHouseInfo.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdHouseInfo) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdHouseInfo.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdHouseInfo proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseholdHouseInfo) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdHouseInfo) GetGardenName() string { if m != nil { return m.GardenName } return "" } func (m *HouseholdHouseInfo) GetHouseId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HouseId } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdHouseInfo) GetHouseName() string { if m != nil { return m.HouseName } return "" } func (m *HouseholdHouseInfo) GetId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Id } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdHouseInfo) GetUserType() int32 { if m != nil { return m.UserType } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdHouseInfo) GetCanPay() bool { if m != nil { return m.CanPay } return false } type LoginReply struct { Phone string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=phone,proto3" json:"phone"` Uid int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=uid,proto3" json:"uid"` NickName string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=nick_name,json=nickName,proto3" json:"nick_name"` OpenId string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=open_id,json=openId,proto3" json:"open_id"` RealName string `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=real_name,json=realName,proto3" json:"real_name"` Avatar string `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=avatar,proto3" json:"avatar"` List []*HouseholdHouseInfo `protobuf:"bytes,7,rep,name=list,proto3" json:"list"` OpenimId string `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=openim_id,json=openimId,proto3" json:"openim_id"` IdNumber string `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=id_number,json=idNumber,proto3" json:"id_number"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *LoginReply) Reset() { *m = LoginReply{} } func (m *LoginReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*LoginReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*LoginReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{2} } func (m *LoginReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_LoginReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *LoginReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_LoginReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *LoginReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_LoginReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *LoginReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_LoginReply.Size(m) } func (m *LoginReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_LoginReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_LoginReply proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *LoginReply) GetPhone() string { if m != nil { return m.Phone } return "" } func (m *LoginReply) GetUid() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Uid } return 0 } func (m *LoginReply) GetNickName() string { if m != nil { return m.NickName } return "" } func (m *LoginReply) GetOpenId() string { if m != nil { return m.OpenId } return "" } func (m *LoginReply) GetRealName() string { if m != nil { return m.RealName } return "" } func (m *LoginReply) GetAvatar() string { if m != nil { return m.Avatar } return "" } func (m *LoginReply) GetList() []*HouseholdHouseInfo { if m != nil { return m.List } return nil } func (m *LoginReply) GetOpenimId() string { if m != nil { return m.OpenimId } return "" } func (m *LoginReply) GetIdNumber() string { if m != nil { return m.IdNumber } return "" } type HouseholdApplyRequest struct { Uid int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=uid,proto3" json:"uid"` // 1业主 2家人 3租客 UserType int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=user_type,json=userType,proto3" json:"user_type"` Phone string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=phone,proto3" json:"phone"` Name string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name"` HouseId int64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=house_id,json=houseId,proto3" json:"house_id"` // 1 身份证 2 护照 IdType int32 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=id_type,json=idType,proto3" json:"id_type"` // 证件号 IdNumber string `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=id_number,json=idNumber,proto3" json:"id_number"` Appendix []string `protobuf:"bytes,8,rep,name=appendix,proto3" json:"appendix"` GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,9,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdApplyRequest) Reset() { *m = HouseholdApplyRequest{} } func (m *HouseholdApplyRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdApplyRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdApplyRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{3} } func (m *HouseholdApplyRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApplyRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdApplyRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApplyRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdApplyRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApplyRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdApplyRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApplyRequest.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdApplyRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApplyRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApplyRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseholdApplyRequest) GetUid() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Uid } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdApplyRequest) GetUserType() int32 { if m != nil { return m.UserType } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdApplyRequest) GetPhone() string { if m != nil { return m.Phone } return "" } func (m *HouseholdApplyRequest) GetName() string { if m != nil { return m.Name } return "" } func (m *HouseholdApplyRequest) GetHouseId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HouseId } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdApplyRequest) GetIdType() int32 { if m != nil { return m.IdType } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdApplyRequest) GetIdNumber() string { if m != nil { return m.IdNumber } return "" } func (m *HouseholdApplyRequest) GetAppendix() []string { if m != nil { return m.Appendix } return nil } func (m *HouseholdApplyRequest) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } type HouseholdApplyReply struct { Id int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdApplyReply) Reset() { *m = HouseholdApplyReply{} } func (m *HouseholdApplyReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdApplyReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdApplyReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{4} } func (m *HouseholdApplyReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApplyReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdApplyReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApplyReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdApplyReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApplyReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdApplyReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApplyReply.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdApplyReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApplyReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApplyReply proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseholdApplyReply) GetId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Id } return 0 } type HouseholdApproveRequest struct { Id int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id"` Status bool `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=status,proto3" json:"status"` Feedback string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=feedback,proto3" json:"feedback"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdApproveRequest) Reset() { *m = HouseholdApproveRequest{} } func (m *HouseholdApproveRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdApproveRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdApproveRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{5} } func (m *HouseholdApproveRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApproveRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdApproveRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApproveRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdApproveRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApproveRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdApproveRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApproveRequest.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdApproveRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApproveRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApproveRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseholdApproveRequest) GetId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Id } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdApproveRequest) GetStatus() bool { if m != nil { return m.Status } return false } func (m *HouseholdApproveRequest) GetFeedback() string { if m != nil { return m.Feedback } return "" } type HouseholdApproveReply struct { XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdApproveReply) Reset() { *m = HouseholdApproveReply{} } func (m *HouseholdApproveReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdApproveReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdApproveReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{6} } func (m *HouseholdApproveReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApproveReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdApproveReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApproveReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdApproveReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApproveReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdApproveReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApproveReply.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdApproveReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApproveReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdApproveReply proto.InternalMessageInfo type HouseholdRefuseRequest struct { HouseId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=house_id,json=houseId,proto3" json:"house_id"` GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` UnitId int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=unit_id,json=unitId,proto3" json:"unit_id"` BuildingId int64 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=building_id,json=buildingId,proto3" json:"building_id"` Feedback string `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=feedback,proto3" json:"feedback"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdRefuseRequest) Reset() { *m = HouseholdRefuseRequest{} } func (m *HouseholdRefuseRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdRefuseRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdRefuseRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{7} } func (m *HouseholdRefuseRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdRefuseRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdRefuseRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdRefuseRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdRefuseRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdRefuseRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdRefuseRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdRefuseRequest.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdRefuseRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdRefuseRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdRefuseRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseholdRefuseRequest) GetHouseId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HouseId } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdRefuseRequest) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdRefuseRequest) GetUnitId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.UnitId } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdRefuseRequest) GetBuildingId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.BuildingId } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdRefuseRequest) GetFeedback() string { if m != nil { return m.Feedback } return "" } type HouseholdRefuseReply struct { XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdRefuseReply) Reset() { *m = HouseholdRefuseReply{} } func (m *HouseholdRefuseReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdRefuseReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdRefuseReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{8} } func (m *HouseholdRefuseReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdRefuseReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdRefuseReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdRefuseReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdRefuseReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdRefuseReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdRefuseReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdRefuseReply.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdRefuseReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdRefuseReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdRefuseReply proto.InternalMessageInfo type HouseholdListRequest struct { GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` Uid int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=uid,proto3" json:"uid"` Page int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=page,proto3" json:"page"` PageSize int64 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=page_size,json=pageSize,proto3" json:"page_size"` ApproveStatus int32 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=approve_status,json=approveStatus,proto3" json:"approve_status"` UserType int32 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=user_type,json=userType,proto3" json:"user_type"` Name string `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdListRequest) Reset() { *m = HouseholdListRequest{} } func (m *HouseholdListRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdListRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdListRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{9} } func (m *HouseholdListRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdListRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdListRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdListRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdListRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdListRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdListRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdListRequest.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdListRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdListRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdListRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseholdListRequest) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdListRequest) GetUid() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Uid } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdListRequest) GetPage() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Page } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdListRequest) GetPageSize() int64 { if m != nil { return m.PageSize } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdListRequest) GetApproveStatus() int32 { if m != nil { return m.ApproveStatus } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdListRequest) GetUserType() int32 { if m != nil { return m.UserType } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdListRequest) GetName() string { if m != nil { return m.Name } return "" } type HouseholdItem struct { Id int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id"` // 1业主 2家人 3租客 UserType int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=user_type,json=userType,proto3" json:"user_type"` Phone string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=phone,proto3" json:"phone"` Name string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name"` Appendix []string `protobuf:"bytes,5,rep,name=appendix,proto3" json:"appendix"` // 1 身份证 2 护照 IdType int32 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=id_type,json=idType,proto3" json:"id_type"` // 证件号 IdNumber string `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=id_number,json=idNumber,proto3" json:"id_number"` // 房号 HouseName string `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=house_name,json=houseName,proto3" json:"house_name"` ApproveStatus int32 `protobuf:"varint,9,opt,name=approve_status,json=approveStatus,proto3" json:"approve_status"` GardenName string `protobuf:"bytes,10,opt,name=garden_name,json=gardenName,proto3" json:"garden_name"` HouseId int64 `protobuf:"varint,11,opt,name=house_id,json=houseId,proto3" json:"house_id"` GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,12,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` Uid int64 `protobuf:"varint,13,opt,name=uid,proto3" json:"uid"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdItem) Reset() { *m = HouseholdItem{} } func (m *HouseholdItem) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdItem) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdItem) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{10} } func (m *HouseholdItem) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdItem.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdItem) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdItem.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdItem) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdItem.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdItem) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdItem.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdItem) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdItem.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdItem proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseholdItem) GetId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Id } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdItem) GetUserType() int32 { if m != nil { return m.UserType } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdItem) GetPhone() string { if m != nil { return m.Phone } return "" } func (m *HouseholdItem) GetName() string { if m != nil { return m.Name } return "" } func (m *HouseholdItem) GetAppendix() []string { if m != nil { return m.Appendix } return nil } func (m *HouseholdItem) GetIdType() int32 { if m != nil { return m.IdType } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdItem) GetIdNumber() string { if m != nil { return m.IdNumber } return "" } func (m *HouseholdItem) GetHouseName() string { if m != nil { return m.HouseName } return "" } func (m *HouseholdItem) GetApproveStatus() int32 { if m != nil { return m.ApproveStatus } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdItem) GetGardenName() string { if m != nil { return m.GardenName } return "" } func (m *HouseholdItem) GetHouseId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HouseId } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdItem) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdItem) GetUid() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Uid } return 0 } type HouseholdListReply struct { Page int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=page,proto3" json:"page"` Total int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=total,proto3" json:"total"` List []*HouseholdItem `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=list,proto3" json:"list"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdListReply) Reset() { *m = HouseholdListReply{} } func (m *HouseholdListReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdListReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdListReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{11} } func (m *HouseholdListReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdListReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdListReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdListReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdListReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdListReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdListReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdListReply.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdListReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdListReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdListReply proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseholdListReply) GetPage() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Page } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdListReply) GetTotal() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Total } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdListReply) GetList() []*HouseholdItem { if m != nil { return m.List } return nil } type RealNameAuthRequest struct { Uid int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=uid,proto3" json:"uid"` RealName string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=real_name,json=realName,proto3" json:"real_name"` IdNumber string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=id_number,json=idNumber,proto3" json:"id_number"` IdType int32 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=id_type,json=idType,proto3" json:"id_type"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *RealNameAuthRequest) Reset() { *m = RealNameAuthRequest{} } func (m *RealNameAuthRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*RealNameAuthRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*RealNameAuthRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{12} } func (m *RealNameAuthRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_RealNameAuthRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *RealNameAuthRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_RealNameAuthRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *RealNameAuthRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_RealNameAuthRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *RealNameAuthRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_RealNameAuthRequest.Size(m) } func (m *RealNameAuthRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_RealNameAuthRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_RealNameAuthRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *RealNameAuthRequest) GetUid() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Uid } return 0 } func (m *RealNameAuthRequest) GetRealName() string { if m != nil { return m.RealName } return "" } func (m *RealNameAuthRequest) GetIdNumber() string { if m != nil { return m.IdNumber } return "" } func (m *RealNameAuthRequest) GetIdType() int32 { if m != nil { return m.IdType } return 0 } type RealNameAuthReply struct { XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *RealNameAuthReply) Reset() { *m = RealNameAuthReply{} } func (m *RealNameAuthReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*RealNameAuthReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*RealNameAuthReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{13} } func (m *RealNameAuthReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_RealNameAuthReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *RealNameAuthReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_RealNameAuthReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *RealNameAuthReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_RealNameAuthReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *RealNameAuthReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_RealNameAuthReply.Size(m) } func (m *RealNameAuthReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_RealNameAuthReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_RealNameAuthReply proto.InternalMessageInfo type UserUpdateNickNameRequest struct { Uid int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=uid,proto3" json:"uid"` NickName string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=nick_name,json=nickName,proto3" json:"nick_name"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *UserUpdateNickNameRequest) Reset() { *m = UserUpdateNickNameRequest{} } func (m *UserUpdateNickNameRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*UserUpdateNickNameRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*UserUpdateNickNameRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{14} } func (m *UserUpdateNickNameRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_UserUpdateNickNameRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *UserUpdateNickNameRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_UserUpdateNickNameRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *UserUpdateNickNameRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_UserUpdateNickNameRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *UserUpdateNickNameRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_UserUpdateNickNameRequest.Size(m) } func (m *UserUpdateNickNameRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_UserUpdateNickNameRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_UserUpdateNickNameRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *UserUpdateNickNameRequest) GetUid() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Uid } return 0 } func (m *UserUpdateNickNameRequest) GetNickName() string { if m != nil { return m.NickName } return "" } type UserUpdateNickNameReply struct { XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *UserUpdateNickNameReply) Reset() { *m = UserUpdateNickNameReply{} } func (m *UserUpdateNickNameReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*UserUpdateNickNameReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*UserUpdateNickNameReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{15} } func (m *UserUpdateNickNameReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_UserUpdateNickNameReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *UserUpdateNickNameReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_UserUpdateNickNameReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *UserUpdateNickNameReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_UserUpdateNickNameReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *UserUpdateNickNameReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_UserUpdateNickNameReply.Size(m) } func (m *UserUpdateNickNameReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_UserUpdateNickNameReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_UserUpdateNickNameReply proto.InternalMessageInfo // 删除未审核的申请(小区被删,房屋被删,或房屋号信息被改) type HouseholdDelApplyRequest struct { Id int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id"` HouseId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=house_id,json=houseId,proto3" json:"house_id"` GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` BuildingId int64 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=building_id,json=buildingId,proto3" json:"building_id"` UnitId int64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=unit_id,json=unitId,proto3" json:"unit_id"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdDelApplyRequest) Reset() { *m = HouseholdDelApplyRequest{} } func (m *HouseholdDelApplyRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdDelApplyRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdDelApplyRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{16} } func (m *HouseholdDelApplyRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelApplyRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdDelApplyRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelApplyRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdDelApplyRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelApplyRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdDelApplyRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelApplyRequest.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdDelApplyRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelApplyRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelApplyRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseholdDelApplyRequest) GetId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Id } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdDelApplyRequest) GetHouseId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HouseId } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdDelApplyRequest) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdDelApplyRequest) GetBuildingId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.BuildingId } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdDelApplyRequest) GetUnitId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.UnitId } return 0 } type HouseholdDelApplyReply struct { XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdDelApplyReply) Reset() { *m = HouseholdDelApplyReply{} } func (m *HouseholdDelApplyReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdDelApplyReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdDelApplyReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{17} } func (m *HouseholdDelApplyReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelApplyReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdDelApplyReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelApplyReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdDelApplyReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelApplyReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdDelApplyReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelApplyReply.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdDelApplyReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelApplyReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelApplyReply proto.InternalMessageInfo type HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest struct { GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` GardenName string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=garden_name,json=gardenName,proto3" json:"garden_name"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest) Reset() { *m = HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest{} } func (m *HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{18} } func (m *HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest) GetGardenName() string { if m != nil { return m.GardenName } return "" } type HouseholdGardenNameChangeReply struct { XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdGardenNameChangeReply) Reset() { *m = HouseholdGardenNameChangeReply{} } func (m *HouseholdGardenNameChangeReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdGardenNameChangeReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdGardenNameChangeReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{19} } func (m *HouseholdGardenNameChangeReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdGardenNameChangeReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdGardenNameChangeReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdGardenNameChangeReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdGardenNameChangeReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdGardenNameChangeReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdGardenNameChangeReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdGardenNameChangeReply.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdGardenNameChangeReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdGardenNameChangeReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdGardenNameChangeReply proto.InternalMessageInfo type UserInfoRequest struct { Uid int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=uid,proto3" json:"uid"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *UserInfoRequest) Reset() { *m = UserInfoRequest{} } func (m *UserInfoRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*UserInfoRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*UserInfoRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{20} } func (m *UserInfoRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_UserInfoRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *UserInfoRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_UserInfoRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *UserInfoRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_UserInfoRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *UserInfoRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_UserInfoRequest.Size(m) } func (m *UserInfoRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_UserInfoRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_UserInfoRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *UserInfoRequest) GetUid() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Uid } return 0 } type UserInfoReply struct { RealName string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=real_name,json=realName,proto3" json:"real_name"` IdType int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=id_type,json=idType,proto3" json:"id_type"` IdNumber string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=id_number,json=idNumber,proto3" json:"id_number"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *UserInfoReply) Reset() { *m = UserInfoReply{} } func (m *UserInfoReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*UserInfoReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*UserInfoReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{21} } func (m *UserInfoReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_UserInfoReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *UserInfoReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_UserInfoReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *UserInfoReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_UserInfoReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *UserInfoReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_UserInfoReply.Size(m) } func (m *UserInfoReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_UserInfoReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_UserInfoReply proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *UserInfoReply) GetRealName() string { if m != nil { return m.RealName } return "" } func (m *UserInfoReply) GetIdType() int32 { if m != nil { return m.IdType } return 0 } func (m *UserInfoReply) GetIdNumber() string { if m != nil { return m.IdNumber } return "" } type HouseholdUserListRequest struct { Page int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=page,proto3" json:"page"` PageSize int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=page_size,json=pageSize,proto3" json:"page_size"` GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` UserType int32 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=user_type,json=userType,proto3" json:"user_type"` Name string `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdUserListRequest) Reset() { *m = HouseholdUserListRequest{} } func (m *HouseholdUserListRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdUserListRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdUserListRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{22} } func (m *HouseholdUserListRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdUserListRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdUserListRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdUserListRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdUserListRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdUserListRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdUserListRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdUserListRequest.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdUserListRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdUserListRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdUserListRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseholdUserListRequest) GetPage() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Page } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdUserListRequest) GetPageSize() int64 { if m != nil { return m.PageSize } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdUserListRequest) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdUserListRequest) GetUserType() int32 { if m != nil { return m.UserType } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdUserListRequest) GetName() string { if m != nil { return m.Name } return "" } type HouseholdUserItem struct { Id int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id"` // 1业主 2家人 3租客 UserType int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=user_type,json=userType,proto3" json:"user_type"` Phone string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=phone,proto3" json:"phone"` Name string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name"` // 1 身份证 2 护照 IdType int32 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=id_type,json=idType,proto3" json:"id_type"` // 证件号 IdNumber string `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=id_number,json=idNumber,proto3" json:"id_number"` GardenName string `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=garden_name,json=gardenName,proto3" json:"garden_name"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdUserItem) Reset() { *m = HouseholdUserItem{} } func (m *HouseholdUserItem) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdUserItem) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdUserItem) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{23} } func (m *HouseholdUserItem) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdUserItem.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdUserItem) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdUserItem.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdUserItem) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdUserItem.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdUserItem) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdUserItem.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdUserItem) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdUserItem.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdUserItem proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseholdUserItem) GetId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Id } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdUserItem) GetUserType() int32 { if m != nil { return m.UserType } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdUserItem) GetPhone() string { if m != nil { return m.Phone } return "" } func (m *HouseholdUserItem) GetName() string { if m != nil { return m.Name } return "" } func (m *HouseholdUserItem) GetIdType() int32 { if m != nil { return m.IdType } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdUserItem) GetIdNumber() string { if m != nil { return m.IdNumber } return "" } func (m *HouseholdUserItem) GetGardenName() string { if m != nil { return m.GardenName } return "" } type HouseholdUserListReply struct { Page int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=page,proto3" json:"page"` Total int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=total,proto3" json:"total"` List []*HouseholdUserItem `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=list,proto3" json:"list"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdUserListReply) Reset() { *m = HouseholdUserListReply{} } func (m *HouseholdUserListReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdUserListReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdUserListReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{24} } func (m *HouseholdUserListReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdUserListReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdUserListReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdUserListReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdUserListReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdUserListReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdUserListReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdUserListReply.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdUserListReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdUserListReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdUserListReply proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseholdUserListReply) GetPage() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Page } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdUserListReply) GetTotal() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Total } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdUserListReply) GetList() []*HouseholdUserItem { if m != nil { return m.List } return nil } type HouseholdHousesRequest struct { Uid int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=uid,proto3" json:"uid"` ForRent bool `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=for_rent,json=forRent,proto3" json:"for_rent"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdHousesRequest) Reset() { *m = HouseholdHousesRequest{} } func (m *HouseholdHousesRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdHousesRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdHousesRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{25} } func (m *HouseholdHousesRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdHousesRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdHousesRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdHousesRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdHousesRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdHousesRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdHousesRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdHousesRequest.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdHousesRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdHousesRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdHousesRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseholdHousesRequest) GetUid() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Uid } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdHousesRequest) GetForRent() bool { if m != nil { return m.ForRent } return false } type HouseholdHousesReply struct { List []*HouseholdHouseInfo `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=list,proto3" json:"list"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdHousesReply) Reset() { *m = HouseholdHousesReply{} } func (m *HouseholdHousesReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdHousesReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdHousesReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{26} } func (m *HouseholdHousesReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdHousesReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdHousesReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdHousesReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdHousesReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdHousesReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdHousesReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdHousesReply.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdHousesReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdHousesReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdHousesReply proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseholdHousesReply) GetList() []*HouseholdHouseInfo { if m != nil { return m.List } return nil } type HouseRentBaseConf struct { // 床 Bed bool `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=bed,proto3" json:"bed"` // 天然气 Gas bool `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=gas,proto3" json:"gas"` // 暖气 WarmGas bool `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=warm_gas,json=warmGas,proto3" json:"warm_gas"` // 宽带 Broadband bool `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=broadband,proto3" json:"broadband"` // 冰箱 Refragerator bool `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=refragerator,proto3" json:"refragerator"` // 衣柜 Wardobe bool `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=wardobe,proto3" json:"wardobe"` // 沙发 Sofa bool `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=sofa,proto3" json:"sofa"` // 空调 Aircondition bool `protobuf:"varint,8,opt,name=aircondition,proto3" json:"aircondition"` // 电视机 Tv bool `protobuf:"varint,9,opt,name=tv,proto3" json:"tv"` // 热水器 Heater bool `protobuf:"varint,10,opt,name=heater,proto3" json:"heater"` // 洗衣机 Warshing bool `protobuf:"varint,11,opt,name=warshing,proto3" json:"warshing"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentBaseConf) Reset() { *m = HouseRentBaseConf{} } func (m *HouseRentBaseConf) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentBaseConf) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentBaseConf) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{27} } func (m *HouseRentBaseConf) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentBaseConf.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentBaseConf) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentBaseConf.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentBaseConf) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentBaseConf.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentBaseConf) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentBaseConf.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentBaseConf) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentBaseConf.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentBaseConf proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseRentBaseConf) GetBed() bool { if m != nil { return m.Bed } return false } func (m *HouseRentBaseConf) GetGas() bool { if m != nil { return m.Gas } return false } func (m *HouseRentBaseConf) GetWarmGas() bool { if m != nil { return m.WarmGas } return false } func (m *HouseRentBaseConf) GetBroadband() bool { if m != nil { return m.Broadband } return false } func (m *HouseRentBaseConf) GetRefragerator() bool { if m != nil { return m.Refragerator } return false } func (m *HouseRentBaseConf) GetWardobe() bool { if m != nil { return m.Wardobe } return false } func (m *HouseRentBaseConf) GetSofa() bool { if m != nil { return m.Sofa } return false } func (m *HouseRentBaseConf) GetAircondition() bool { if m != nil { return m.Aircondition } return false } func (m *HouseRentBaseConf) GetTv() bool { if m != nil { return m.Tv } return false } func (m *HouseRentBaseConf) GetHeater() bool { if m != nil { return m.Heater } return false } func (m *HouseRentBaseConf) GetWarshing() bool { if m != nil { return m.Warshing } return false } type HouseRentSpecialConf struct { // 智能门锁 IntelligentLock bool `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=intelligent_lock,json=intelligentLock,proto3" json:"intelligent_lock"` // wifi Wifi bool `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=wifi,proto3" json:"wifi"` // 近地铁 Metro bool `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=metro,proto3" json:"metro"` // 停车位 ParkSpace bool `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=park_space,json=parkSpace,proto3" json:"park_space"` // 独卫 IndependentWc bool `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=independent_wc,json=independentWc,proto3" json:"independent_wc"` // 私人阳台 PrivateBalcony bool `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=private_balcony,json=privateBalcony,proto3" json:"private_balcony"` // 首次出租 FirstRent bool `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=first_rent,json=firstRent,proto3" json:"first_rent"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentSpecialConf) Reset() { *m = HouseRentSpecialConf{} } func (m *HouseRentSpecialConf) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentSpecialConf) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentSpecialConf) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{28} } func (m *HouseRentSpecialConf) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentSpecialConf.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentSpecialConf) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentSpecialConf.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentSpecialConf) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentSpecialConf.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentSpecialConf) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentSpecialConf.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentSpecialConf) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentSpecialConf.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentSpecialConf proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseRentSpecialConf) GetIntelligentLock() bool { if m != nil { return m.IntelligentLock } return false } func (m *HouseRentSpecialConf) GetWifi() bool { if m != nil { return m.Wifi } return false } func (m *HouseRentSpecialConf) GetMetro() bool { if m != nil { return m.Metro } return false } func (m *HouseRentSpecialConf) GetParkSpace() bool { if m != nil { return m.ParkSpace } return false } func (m *HouseRentSpecialConf) GetIndependentWc() bool { if m != nil { return m.IndependentWc } return false } func (m *HouseRentSpecialConf) GetPrivateBalcony() bool { if m != nil { return m.PrivateBalcony } return false } func (m *HouseRentSpecialConf) GetFirstRent() bool { if m != nil { return m.FirstRent } return false } type HouseRentApplyRequest struct { // 房屋id HouseId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=house_id,json=houseId,proto3" json:"house_id"` // 楼层 Layer int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=layer,proto3" json:"layer"` // 房屋建筑面积 HouseArea float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,3,opt,name=house_area,json=houseArea,proto3" json:"house_area"` // 朝向 Direction int32 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=direction,proto3" json:"direction"` // 几室 RoomCount int64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=room_count,json=roomCount,proto3" json:"room_count"` // 几厅 HallCount int64 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=hall_count,json=hallCount,proto3" json:"hall_count"` // 几卫 WcCount int64 `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=wc_count,json=wcCount,proto3" json:"wc_count"` // 1 精装 2 简装 3 清水 Decorating int32 `protobuf:"varint,8,opt,name=decorating,proto3" json:"decorating"` // 联系人 Contacter string `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=contacter,proto3" json:"contacter"` // 联系人电话 ContactPhone string `protobuf:"bytes,10,opt,name=contact_phone,json=contactPhone,proto3" json:"contact_phone"` // 1 月付 2 季付 3 半年付 4 年付 PayTimeType int32 `protobuf:"varint,11,opt,name=pay_time_type,json=payTimeType,proto3" json:"pay_time_type"` // 1 整租 2 合租 3 转租 RentType int32 `protobuf:"varint,12,opt,name=rent_type,json=rentType,proto3" json:"rent_type"` // 1 全部 2 主卧 3 次卧 RoomType int32 `protobuf:"varint,13,opt,name=room_type,json=roomType,proto3" json:"room_type"` // 房间面积 RoomArea float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,14,opt,name=room_area,json=roomArea,proto3" json:"room_area"` // 月租 RentPrice int64 `protobuf:"varint,15,opt,name=rent_price,json=rentPrice,proto3" json:"rent_price"` // 押金 Desposit int64 `protobuf:"varint,16,opt,name=desposit,proto3" json:"desposit"` // 可入住时间 InTime int64 `protobuf:"varint,17,opt,name=in_time,json=inTime,proto3" json:"in_time"` // 服务费 ServicePrice int64 `protobuf:"varint,18,opt,name=service_price,json=servicePrice,proto3" json:"service_price"` // 中介费 IntermediaryPrice int64 `protobuf:"varint,19,opt,name=intermediary_price,json=intermediaryPrice,proto3" json:"intermediary_price"` // 基础设施 BaseConf int64 `protobuf:"varint,20,opt,name=base_conf,json=baseConf,proto3" json:"base_conf"` // 特色配置 SpecialConf int64 `protobuf:"varint,21,opt,name=special_conf,json=specialConf,proto3" json:"special_conf"` // 简介 Desc string `protobuf:"bytes,22,opt,name=desc,proto3" json:"desc"` // 房屋图片 HousePic []string `protobuf:"bytes,23,rep,name=house_pic,json=housePic,proto3" json:"house_pic"` // 房屋证件图片 CertPic []string `protobuf:"bytes,24,rep,name=cert_pic,json=certPic,proto3" json:"cert_pic"` // 业主uid HouseholdUid int64 `protobuf:"varint,25,opt,name=household_uid,json=householdUid,proto3" json:"household_uid"` // 是否有电梯 HasLift bool `protobuf:"varint,26,opt,name=has_lift,json=hasLift,proto3" json:"has_lift"` // 是否直接通过审核 Approve bool `protobuf:"varint,27,opt,name=approve,proto3" json:"approve"` // 小区id GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,28,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` // 纬度 Lat float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,29,opt,name=lat,proto3" json:"lat"` // 经度 Lnt float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,30,opt,name=lnt,proto3" json:"lnt"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) Reset() { *m = HouseRentApplyRequest{} } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentApplyRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentApplyRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{29} } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApplyRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApplyRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApplyRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApplyRequest.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApplyRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApplyRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetHouseId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HouseId } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetLayer() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Layer } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetHouseArea() float64 { if m != nil { return m.HouseArea } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetDirection() int32 { if m != nil { return m.Direction } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetRoomCount() int64 { if m != nil { return m.RoomCount } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetHallCount() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HallCount } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetWcCount() int64 { if m != nil { return m.WcCount } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetDecorating() int32 { if m != nil { return m.Decorating } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetContacter() string { if m != nil { return m.Contacter } return "" } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetContactPhone() string { if m != nil { return m.ContactPhone } return "" } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetPayTimeType() int32 { if m != nil { return m.PayTimeType } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetRentType() int32 { if m != nil { return m.RentType } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetRoomType() int32 { if m != nil { return m.RoomType } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetRoomArea() float64 { if m != nil { return m.RoomArea } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetRentPrice() int64 { if m != nil { return m.RentPrice } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetDesposit() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Desposit } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetInTime() int64 { if m != nil { return m.InTime } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetServicePrice() int64 { if m != nil { return m.ServicePrice } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetIntermediaryPrice() int64 { if m != nil { return m.IntermediaryPrice } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetBaseConf() int64 { if m != nil { return m.BaseConf } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetSpecialConf() int64 { if m != nil { return m.SpecialConf } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetDesc() string { if m != nil { return m.Desc } return "" } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetHousePic() []string { if m != nil { return m.HousePic } return nil } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetCertPic() []string { if m != nil { return m.CertPic } return nil } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetHouseholdUid() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HouseholdUid } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetHasLift() bool { if m != nil { return m.HasLift } return false } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetApprove() bool { if m != nil { return m.Approve } return false } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetLat() float64 { if m != nil { return m.Lat } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApplyRequest) GetLnt() float64 { if m != nil { return m.Lnt } return 0 } type HouseRentApplyReply struct { Id int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentApplyReply) Reset() { *m = HouseRentApplyReply{} } func (m *HouseRentApplyReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentApplyReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentApplyReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{30} } func (m *HouseRentApplyReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApplyReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentApplyReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApplyReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentApplyReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApplyReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentApplyReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApplyReply.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentApplyReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApplyReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApplyReply proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseRentApplyReply) GetId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Id } return 0 } type HouseRentUpdateRequest struct { HouseId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=house_id,json=houseId,proto3" json:"house_id"` // 楼层 Layer int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=layer,proto3" json:"layer"` // 房屋建筑面积 HouseArea float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,3,opt,name=house_area,json=houseArea,proto3" json:"house_area"` // 朝向 Direction int32 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=direction,proto3" json:"direction"` // 几室 RoomCount int64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=room_count,json=roomCount,proto3" json:"room_count"` // 几厅 HallCount int64 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=hall_count,json=hallCount,proto3" json:"hall_count"` // 几卫 WcCount int64 `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=wc_count,json=wcCount,proto3" json:"wc_count"` // 1 精装 2 简装 3 清水 Decorating int32 `protobuf:"varint,8,opt,name=decorating,proto3" json:"decorating"` // 联系人 Contacter string `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=contacter,proto3" json:"contacter"` // 联系人电话 ContactPhone string `protobuf:"bytes,10,opt,name=contact_phone,json=contactPhone,proto3" json:"contact_phone"` // 1 月付 2 季付 3 半年付 4 年付 PayTimeType int32 `protobuf:"varint,11,opt,name=pay_time_type,json=payTimeType,proto3" json:"pay_time_type"` // 1 整租 2 合租 3 转租 RentType int32 `protobuf:"varint,12,opt,name=rent_type,json=rentType,proto3" json:"rent_type"` // 1 全部 2 主卧 3 次卧 RoomType int32 `protobuf:"varint,13,opt,name=room_type,json=roomType,proto3" json:"room_type"` // 房间面积 RoomArea float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,14,opt,name=room_area,json=roomArea,proto3" json:"room_area"` // 月租 RentPrice int64 `protobuf:"varint,15,opt,name=rent_price,json=rentPrice,proto3" json:"rent_price"` // 押金 Desposit int64 `protobuf:"varint,16,opt,name=desposit,proto3" json:"desposit"` // 可入住时间 InTime int64 `protobuf:"varint,17,opt,name=in_time,json=inTime,proto3" json:"in_time"` // 服务费 ServicePrice int64 `protobuf:"varint,18,opt,name=service_price,json=servicePrice,proto3" json:"service_price"` // 中介费 IntermediaryPrice int64 `protobuf:"varint,19,opt,name=intermediary_price,json=intermediaryPrice,proto3" json:"intermediary_price"` // 基础设施 BaseConf int64 `protobuf:"varint,20,opt,name=base_conf,json=baseConf,proto3" json:"base_conf"` // 特色配置 SpecialConf int64 `protobuf:"varint,21,opt,name=special_conf,json=specialConf,proto3" json:"special_conf"` // 简介 Desc string `protobuf:"bytes,22,opt,name=desc,proto3" json:"desc"` // 房屋图片 HousePic []string `protobuf:"bytes,23,rep,name=house_pic,json=housePic,proto3" json:"house_pic"` // 房屋证件图片 CertPic []string `protobuf:"bytes,24,rep,name=cert_pic,json=certPic,proto3" json:"cert_pic"` // 是否有电梯 HasLift bool `protobuf:"varint,25,opt,name=has_lift,json=hasLift,proto3" json:"has_lift"` GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,26,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` Id int64 `protobuf:"varint,27,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id"` // 纬度 Lat float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,28,opt,name=lat,proto3" json:"lat"` // 经度 Lnt float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,30,opt,name=lnt,proto3" json:"lnt"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) Reset() { *m = HouseRentUpdateRequest{} } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentUpdateRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentUpdateRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{31} } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentUpdateRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentUpdateRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentUpdateRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentUpdateRequest.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentUpdateRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentUpdateRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetHouseId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HouseId } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetLayer() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Layer } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetHouseArea() float64 { if m != nil { return m.HouseArea } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetDirection() int32 { if m != nil { return m.Direction } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetRoomCount() int64 { if m != nil { return m.RoomCount } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetHallCount() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HallCount } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetWcCount() int64 { if m != nil { return m.WcCount } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetDecorating() int32 { if m != nil { return m.Decorating } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetContacter() string { if m != nil { return m.Contacter } return "" } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetContactPhone() string { if m != nil { return m.ContactPhone } return "" } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetPayTimeType() int32 { if m != nil { return m.PayTimeType } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetRentType() int32 { if m != nil { return m.RentType } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetRoomType() int32 { if m != nil { return m.RoomType } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetRoomArea() float64 { if m != nil { return m.RoomArea } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetRentPrice() int64 { if m != nil { return m.RentPrice } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetDesposit() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Desposit } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetInTime() int64 { if m != nil { return m.InTime } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetServicePrice() int64 { if m != nil { return m.ServicePrice } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetIntermediaryPrice() int64 { if m != nil { return m.IntermediaryPrice } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetBaseConf() int64 { if m != nil { return m.BaseConf } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetSpecialConf() int64 { if m != nil { return m.SpecialConf } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetDesc() string { if m != nil { return m.Desc } return "" } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetHousePic() []string { if m != nil { return m.HousePic } return nil } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetCertPic() []string { if m != nil { return m.CertPic } return nil } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetHasLift() bool { if m != nil { return m.HasLift } return false } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Id } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetLat() float64 { if m != nil { return m.Lat } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentUpdateRequest) GetLnt() float64 { if m != nil { return m.Lnt } return 0 } type HouseRentUpdateReply struct { XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentUpdateReply) Reset() { *m = HouseRentUpdateReply{} } func (m *HouseRentUpdateReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentUpdateReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentUpdateReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{32} } func (m *HouseRentUpdateReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentUpdateReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentUpdateReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentUpdateReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentUpdateReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentUpdateReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentUpdateReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentUpdateReply.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentUpdateReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentUpdateReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentUpdateReply proto.InternalMessageInfo type HouseRentApproveRequest struct { Id int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id"` GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` Status bool `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=status,proto3" json:"status"` Feedback string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=feedback,proto3" json:"feedback"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentApproveRequest) Reset() { *m = HouseRentApproveRequest{} } func (m *HouseRentApproveRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentApproveRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentApproveRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{33} } func (m *HouseRentApproveRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApproveRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentApproveRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApproveRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentApproveRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApproveRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentApproveRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApproveRequest.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentApproveRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApproveRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApproveRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseRentApproveRequest) GetId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Id } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApproveRequest) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentApproveRequest) GetStatus() bool { if m != nil { return m.Status } return false } func (m *HouseRentApproveRequest) GetFeedback() string { if m != nil { return m.Feedback } return "" } type HouseRentApproveReply struct { XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentApproveReply) Reset() { *m = HouseRentApproveReply{} } func (m *HouseRentApproveReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentApproveReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentApproveReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{34} } func (m *HouseRentApproveReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApproveReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentApproveReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApproveReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentApproveReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApproveReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentApproveReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApproveReply.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentApproveReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApproveReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentApproveReply proto.InternalMessageInfo type HouseRentDownRequest struct { Id int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id"` GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentDownRequest) Reset() { *m = HouseRentDownRequest{} } func (m *HouseRentDownRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentDownRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentDownRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{35} } func (m *HouseRentDownRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentDownRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentDownRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentDownRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentDownRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentDownRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentDownRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentDownRequest.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentDownRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentDownRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentDownRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseRentDownRequest) GetId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Id } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentDownRequest) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } type HouseRentDownReply struct { XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentDownReply) Reset() { *m = HouseRentDownReply{} } func (m *HouseRentDownReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentDownReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentDownReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{36} } func (m *HouseRentDownReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentDownReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentDownReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentDownReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentDownReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentDownReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentDownReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentDownReply.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentDownReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentDownReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentDownReply proto.InternalMessageInfo type HouseRentListRequest struct { GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` ProvinceCode string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=province_code,json=provinceCode,proto3" json:"province_code"` CityCode string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=city_code,json=cityCode,proto3" json:"city_code"` AreaCode string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=area_code,json=areaCode,proto3" json:"area_code"` StreetCode string `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=street_code,json=streetCode,proto3" json:"street_code"` RoomCount int64 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=room_count,json=roomCount,proto3" json:"room_count"` HallCount int64 `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=hall_count,json=hallCount,proto3" json:"hall_count"` WcCount int64 `protobuf:"varint,8,opt,name=wc_count,json=wcCount,proto3" json:"wc_count"` HouseholdUid int64 `protobuf:"varint,9,opt,name=household_uid,json=householdUid,proto3" json:"household_uid"` RentPriceGreater int64 `protobuf:"varint,10,opt,name=rent_price_greater,json=rentPriceGreater,proto3" json:"rent_price_greater"` RentPriceLess int64 `protobuf:"varint,11,opt,name=rent_price_less,json=rentPriceLess,proto3" json:"rent_price_less"` ApproveStatus int64 `protobuf:"varint,12,opt,name=approve_status,json=approveStatus,proto3" json:"approve_status"` Page int64 `protobuf:"varint,13,opt,name=page,proto3" json:"page"` PageSize int64 `protobuf:"varint,14,opt,name=page_size,json=pageSize,proto3" json:"page_size"` BaseConf int64 `protobuf:"varint,15,opt,name=base_conf,json=baseConf,proto3" json:"base_conf"` SpecialConf int64 `protobuf:"varint,16,opt,name=special_conf,json=specialConf,proto3" json:"special_conf"` GardenIds []int64 `protobuf:"varint,17,rep,packed,name=garden_ids,json=gardenIds,proto3" json:"garden_ids"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) Reset() { *m = HouseRentListRequest{} } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentListRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentListRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{37} } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentListRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentListRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentListRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentListRequest.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentListRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentListRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseRentListRequest) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) GetProvinceCode() string { if m != nil { return m.ProvinceCode } return "" } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) GetCityCode() string { if m != nil { return m.CityCode } return "" } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) GetAreaCode() string { if m != nil { return m.AreaCode } return "" } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) GetStreetCode() string { if m != nil { return m.StreetCode } return "" } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) GetRoomCount() int64 { if m != nil { return m.RoomCount } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) GetHallCount() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HallCount } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) GetWcCount() int64 { if m != nil { return m.WcCount } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) GetHouseholdUid() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HouseholdUid } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) GetRentPriceGreater() int64 { if m != nil { return m.RentPriceGreater } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) GetRentPriceLess() int64 { if m != nil { return m.RentPriceLess } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) GetApproveStatus() int64 { if m != nil { return m.ApproveStatus } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) GetPage() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Page } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) GetPageSize() int64 { if m != nil { return m.PageSize } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) GetBaseConf() int64 { if m != nil { return m.BaseConf } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) GetSpecialConf() int64 { if m != nil { return m.SpecialConf } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentListRequest) GetGardenIds() []int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenIds } return nil } type HouseRentItem struct { // 房屋号 HouseName string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=house_name,json=houseName,proto3" json:"house_name"` // 楼层 Layer int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=layer,proto3" json:"layer"` // 房屋建筑面积 HouseArea float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,3,opt,name=house_area,json=houseArea,proto3" json:"house_area"` // 朝向 Direction int32 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=direction,proto3" json:"direction"` // 几室 RoomCount int64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=room_count,json=roomCount,proto3" json:"room_count"` // 几厅 HallCount int64 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=hall_count,json=hallCount,proto3" json:"hall_count"` // 几卫 WcCount int64 `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=wc_count,json=wcCount,proto3" json:"wc_count"` // 1 精装 2 简装 3 清水 Decorating int32 `protobuf:"varint,8,opt,name=decorating,proto3" json:"decorating"` // 联系人 Contacter string `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=contacter,proto3" json:"contacter"` // 联系人电话 ContactPhone string `protobuf:"bytes,10,opt,name=contact_phone,json=contactPhone,proto3" json:"contact_phone"` // 1 月付 2 季付 3 半年付 4 年付 PayTimeType int32 `protobuf:"varint,11,opt,name=pay_time_type,json=payTimeType,proto3" json:"pay_time_type"` // 1 整租 2 合租 3 转租 RentType int32 `protobuf:"varint,12,opt,name=rent_type,json=rentType,proto3" json:"rent_type"` // 1 全部 2 主卧 3 次卧 RoomType int32 `protobuf:"varint,13,opt,name=room_type,json=roomType,proto3" json:"room_type"` // 房间面积 RoomArea float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,14,opt,name=room_area,json=roomArea,proto3" json:"room_area"` // 月租 RentPrice int64 `protobuf:"varint,15,opt,name=rent_price,json=rentPrice,proto3" json:"rent_price"` // 押金 Desposit int64 `protobuf:"varint,16,opt,name=desposit,proto3" json:"desposit"` // 可入住时间 InTime int64 `protobuf:"varint,17,opt,name=in_time,json=inTime,proto3" json:"in_time"` // 服务费 ServicePrice int64 `protobuf:"varint,18,opt,name=service_price,json=servicePrice,proto3" json:"service_price"` // 中介费 IntermediaryPrice int64 `protobuf:"varint,19,opt,name=intermediary_price,json=intermediaryPrice,proto3" json:"intermediary_price"` // 基础设施 BaseConf int64 `protobuf:"varint,20,opt,name=base_conf,json=baseConf,proto3" json:"base_conf"` // 特色配置 SpecialConf int64 `protobuf:"varint,21,opt,name=special_conf,json=specialConf,proto3" json:"special_conf"` // 简介 Desc string `protobuf:"bytes,22,opt,name=desc,proto3" json:"desc"` // 房屋图片 HousePic []string `protobuf:"bytes,23,rep,name=house_pic,json=housePic,proto3" json:"house_pic"` // 房屋证件图片 CertPic []string `protobuf:"bytes,24,rep,name=cert_pic,json=certPic,proto3" json:"cert_pic"` // 是否有电梯 HasLift bool `protobuf:"varint,25,opt,name=has_lift,json=hasLift,proto3" json:"has_lift"` // 小区id GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,26,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` // 租房id Id int64 `protobuf:"varint,27,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id"` // 审核状态 1 待审 2 通过 3 未通过 4 已下架 ApproveStatus int32 `protobuf:"varint,28,opt,name=approve_status,json=approveStatus,proto3" json:"approve_status"` // 省份 Province string `protobuf:"bytes,29,opt,name=province,proto3" json:"province"` // 城市 City string `protobuf:"bytes,30,opt,name=city,proto3" json:"city"` // 区域 Area string `protobuf:"bytes,31,opt,name=area,proto3" json:"area"` // 街道 Street string `protobuf:"bytes,32,opt,name=street,proto3" json:"street"` // 小区名称 GardenName string `protobuf:"bytes,33,opt,name=garden_name,json=gardenName,proto3" json:"garden_name"` // 纬度 Lat float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,34,opt,name=lat,proto3" json:"lat"` // 经度 Lnt float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,35,opt,name=lnt,proto3" json:"lnt"` Addr string `protobuf:"bytes,36,opt,name=addr,proto3" json:"addr"` HouseId int64 `protobuf:"varint,37,opt,name=house_id,json=houseId,proto3" json:"house_id"` GardenDesc string `protobuf:"bytes,38,opt,name=garden_desc,json=gardenDesc,proto3" json:"garden_desc"` HouseholdUid int64 `protobuf:"varint,39,opt,name=household_uid,json=householdUid,proto3" json:"household_uid"` RealName string `protobuf:"bytes,40,opt,name=real_name,json=realName,proto3" json:"real_name"` Phone string `protobuf:"bytes,41,opt,name=phone,proto3" json:"phone"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentItem) Reset() { *m = HouseRentItem{} } func (m *HouseRentItem) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentItem) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentItem) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{38} } func (m *HouseRentItem) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentItem.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentItem) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentItem.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentItem) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentItem.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentItem) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentItem.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentItem) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentItem.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentItem proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseRentItem) GetHouseName() string { if m != nil { return m.HouseName } return "" } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetLayer() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Layer } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetHouseArea() float64 { if m != nil { return m.HouseArea } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetDirection() int32 { if m != nil { return m.Direction } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetRoomCount() int64 { if m != nil { return m.RoomCount } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetHallCount() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HallCount } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetWcCount() int64 { if m != nil { return m.WcCount } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetDecorating() int32 { if m != nil { return m.Decorating } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetContacter() string { if m != nil { return m.Contacter } return "" } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetContactPhone() string { if m != nil { return m.ContactPhone } return "" } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetPayTimeType() int32 { if m != nil { return m.PayTimeType } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetRentType() int32 { if m != nil { return m.RentType } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetRoomType() int32 { if m != nil { return m.RoomType } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetRoomArea() float64 { if m != nil { return m.RoomArea } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetRentPrice() int64 { if m != nil { return m.RentPrice } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetDesposit() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Desposit } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetInTime() int64 { if m != nil { return m.InTime } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetServicePrice() int64 { if m != nil { return m.ServicePrice } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetIntermediaryPrice() int64 { if m != nil { return m.IntermediaryPrice } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetBaseConf() int64 { if m != nil { return m.BaseConf } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetSpecialConf() int64 { if m != nil { return m.SpecialConf } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetDesc() string { if m != nil { return m.Desc } return "" } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetHousePic() []string { if m != nil { return m.HousePic } return nil } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetCertPic() []string { if m != nil { return m.CertPic } return nil } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetHasLift() bool { if m != nil { return m.HasLift } return false } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Id } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetApproveStatus() int32 { if m != nil { return m.ApproveStatus } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetProvince() string { if m != nil { return m.Province } return "" } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetCity() string { if m != nil { return m.City } return "" } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetArea() string { if m != nil { return m.Area } return "" } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetStreet() string { if m != nil { return m.Street } return "" } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetGardenName() string { if m != nil { return m.GardenName } return "" } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetLat() float64 { if m != nil { return m.Lat } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetLnt() float64 { if m != nil { return m.Lnt } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetAddr() string { if m != nil { return m.Addr } return "" } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetHouseId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HouseId } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetGardenDesc() string { if m != nil { return m.GardenDesc } return "" } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetHouseholdUid() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HouseholdUid } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetRealName() string { if m != nil { return m.RealName } return "" } func (m *HouseRentItem) GetPhone() string { if m != nil { return m.Phone } return "" } type HouseRentListReply struct { Page int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=page,proto3" json:"page"` Total int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=total,proto3" json:"total"` List []*HouseRentItem `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=list,proto3" json:"list"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentListReply) Reset() { *m = HouseRentListReply{} } func (m *HouseRentListReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentListReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentListReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{39} } func (m *HouseRentListReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentListReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentListReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentListReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentListReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentListReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentListReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentListReply.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentListReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentListReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentListReply proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseRentListReply) GetPage() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Page } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentListReply) GetTotal() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Total } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentListReply) GetList() []*HouseRentItem { if m != nil { return m.List } return nil } type GardenHouseRentListRequest struct { GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` ProvinceCode string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=province_code,json=provinceCode,proto3" json:"province_code"` CityCode string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=city_code,json=cityCode,proto3" json:"city_code"` AreaCode string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=area_code,json=areaCode,proto3" json:"area_code"` StreetCode string `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=street_code,json=streetCode,proto3" json:"street_code"` RoomCount int64 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=room_count,json=roomCount,proto3" json:"room_count"` HallCount int64 `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=hall_count,json=hallCount,proto3" json:"hall_count"` WcCount int64 `protobuf:"varint,8,opt,name=wc_count,json=wcCount,proto3" json:"wc_count"` HouseholdUid int64 `protobuf:"varint,9,opt,name=household_uid,json=householdUid,proto3" json:"household_uid"` RentPriceGreater int64 `protobuf:"varint,10,opt,name=rent_price_greater,json=rentPriceGreater,proto3" json:"rent_price_greater"` RentPriceLess int64 `protobuf:"varint,11,opt,name=rent_price_less,json=rentPriceLess,proto3" json:"rent_price_less"` ApproveStatus int64 `protobuf:"varint,12,opt,name=approve_status,json=approveStatus,proto3" json:"approve_status"` Page int64 `protobuf:"varint,13,opt,name=page,proto3" json:"page"` PageSize int64 `protobuf:"varint,14,opt,name=page_size,json=pageSize,proto3" json:"page_size"` BaseConf int64 `protobuf:"varint,15,opt,name=base_conf,json=baseConf,proto3" json:"base_conf"` SpecialConf int64 `protobuf:"varint,16,opt,name=special_conf,json=specialConf,proto3" json:"special_conf"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) Reset() { *m = GardenHouseRentListRequest{} } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*GardenHouseRentListRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*GardenHouseRentListRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{40} } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_GardenHouseRentListRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_GardenHouseRentListRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_GardenHouseRentListRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_GardenHouseRentListRequest.Size(m) } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_GardenHouseRentListRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_GardenHouseRentListRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) GetProvinceCode() string { if m != nil { return m.ProvinceCode } return "" } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) GetCityCode() string { if m != nil { return m.CityCode } return "" } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) GetAreaCode() string { if m != nil { return m.AreaCode } return "" } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) GetStreetCode() string { if m != nil { return m.StreetCode } return "" } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) GetRoomCount() int64 { if m != nil { return m.RoomCount } return 0 } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) GetHallCount() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HallCount } return 0 } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) GetWcCount() int64 { if m != nil { return m.WcCount } return 0 } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) GetHouseholdUid() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HouseholdUid } return 0 } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) GetRentPriceGreater() int64 { if m != nil { return m.RentPriceGreater } return 0 } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) GetRentPriceLess() int64 { if m != nil { return m.RentPriceLess } return 0 } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) GetApproveStatus() int64 { if m != nil { return m.ApproveStatus } return 0 } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) GetPage() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Page } return 0 } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) GetPageSize() int64 { if m != nil { return m.PageSize } return 0 } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) GetBaseConf() int64 { if m != nil { return m.BaseConf } return 0 } func (m *GardenHouseRentListRequest) GetSpecialConf() int64 { if m != nil { return m.SpecialConf } return 0 } type GardenHouseRentListReply struct { Page int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=page,proto3" json:"page"` Total int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=total,proto3" json:"total"` List []*HouseRentItem `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=list,proto3" json:"list"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *GardenHouseRentListReply) Reset() { *m = GardenHouseRentListReply{} } func (m *GardenHouseRentListReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*GardenHouseRentListReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*GardenHouseRentListReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{41} } func (m *GardenHouseRentListReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_GardenHouseRentListReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *GardenHouseRentListReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_GardenHouseRentListReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *GardenHouseRentListReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_GardenHouseRentListReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *GardenHouseRentListReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_GardenHouseRentListReply.Size(m) } func (m *GardenHouseRentListReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_GardenHouseRentListReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_GardenHouseRentListReply proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *GardenHouseRentListReply) GetPage() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Page } return 0 } func (m *GardenHouseRentListReply) GetTotal() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Total } return 0 } func (m *GardenHouseRentListReply) GetList() []*HouseRentItem { if m != nil { return m.List } return nil } type HouseRentChangeFieldRequest struct { GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` HouseId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=house_id,json=houseId,proto3" json:"house_id"` UnitId int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=unit_id,json=unitId,proto3" json:"unit_id"` RoomCount int64 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=room_count,json=roomCount,proto3" json:"room_count"` HallCount int64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=hall_count,json=hallCount,proto3" json:"hall_count"` HasLift bool `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=has_lift,json=hasLift,proto3" json:"has_lift"` HouseArea float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,7,opt,name=house_area,json=houseArea,proto3" json:"house_area"` Layer int64 `protobuf:"varint,8,opt,name=layer,proto3" json:"layer"` GardenName string `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=garden_name,json=gardenName,proto3" json:"garden_name"` Lnt float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,10,opt,name=lnt,proto3" json:"lnt"` Lat float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,11,opt,name=lat,proto3" json:"lat"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldRequest) Reset() { *m = HouseRentChangeFieldRequest{} } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentChangeFieldRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentChangeFieldRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{42} } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentChangeFieldRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentChangeFieldRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentChangeFieldRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentChangeFieldRequest.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentChangeFieldRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentChangeFieldRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldRequest) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldRequest) GetHouseId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HouseId } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldRequest) GetUnitId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.UnitId } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldRequest) GetRoomCount() int64 { if m != nil { return m.RoomCount } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldRequest) GetHallCount() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HallCount } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldRequest) GetHasLift() bool { if m != nil { return m.HasLift } return false } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldRequest) GetHouseArea() float64 { if m != nil { return m.HouseArea } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldRequest) GetLayer() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Layer } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldRequest) GetGardenName() string { if m != nil { return m.GardenName } return "" } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldRequest) GetLnt() float64 { if m != nil { return m.Lnt } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldRequest) GetLat() float64 { if m != nil { return m.Lat } return 0 } type HouseRentChangeFieldReply struct { XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldReply) Reset() { *m = HouseRentChangeFieldReply{} } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentChangeFieldReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentChangeFieldReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{43} } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentChangeFieldReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentChangeFieldReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentChangeFieldReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentChangeFieldReply.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentChangeFieldReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentChangeFieldReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentChangeFieldReply proto.InternalMessageInfo type HouseholdWaitCountRequest struct { GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` BuildingId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=building_id,json=buildingId,proto3" json:"building_id"` UnitId int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=unit_id,json=unitId,proto3" json:"unit_id"` HouseId int64 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=house_id,json=houseId,proto3" json:"house_id"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdWaitCountRequest) Reset() { *m = HouseholdWaitCountRequest{} } func (m *HouseholdWaitCountRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdWaitCountRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdWaitCountRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{44} } func (m *HouseholdWaitCountRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdWaitCountRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdWaitCountRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdWaitCountRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdWaitCountRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdWaitCountRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdWaitCountRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdWaitCountRequest.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdWaitCountRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdWaitCountRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdWaitCountRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseholdWaitCountRequest) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdWaitCountRequest) GetBuildingId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.BuildingId } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdWaitCountRequest) GetUnitId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.UnitId } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdWaitCountRequest) GetHouseId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HouseId } return 0 } type HouseholdWaitCountReply struct { Count int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=count,proto3" json:"count"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdWaitCountReply) Reset() { *m = HouseholdWaitCountReply{} } func (m *HouseholdWaitCountReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdWaitCountReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdWaitCountReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{45} } func (m *HouseholdWaitCountReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdWaitCountReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdWaitCountReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdWaitCountReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdWaitCountReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdWaitCountReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdWaitCountReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdWaitCountReply.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdWaitCountReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdWaitCountReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdWaitCountReply proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseholdWaitCountReply) GetCount() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Count } return 0 } type UserWxPublicAddRequest struct { OpenId string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=open_id,json=openId,proto3" json:"open_id"` UnionId string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=union_id,json=unionId,proto3" json:"union_id"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *UserWxPublicAddRequest) Reset() { *m = UserWxPublicAddRequest{} } func (m *UserWxPublicAddRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*UserWxPublicAddRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*UserWxPublicAddRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{46} } func (m *UserWxPublicAddRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_UserWxPublicAddRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *UserWxPublicAddRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_UserWxPublicAddRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *UserWxPublicAddRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_UserWxPublicAddRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *UserWxPublicAddRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_UserWxPublicAddRequest.Size(m) } func (m *UserWxPublicAddRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_UserWxPublicAddRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_UserWxPublicAddRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *UserWxPublicAddRequest) GetOpenId() string { if m != nil { return m.OpenId } return "" } func (m *UserWxPublicAddRequest) GetUnionId() string { if m != nil { return m.UnionId } return "" } type UserWxPublicAddReply struct { XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *UserWxPublicAddReply) Reset() { *m = UserWxPublicAddReply{} } func (m *UserWxPublicAddReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*UserWxPublicAddReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*UserWxPublicAddReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{47} } func (m *UserWxPublicAddReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_UserWxPublicAddReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *UserWxPublicAddReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_UserWxPublicAddReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *UserWxPublicAddReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_UserWxPublicAddReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *UserWxPublicAddReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_UserWxPublicAddReply.Size(m) } func (m *UserWxPublicAddReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_UserWxPublicAddReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_UserWxPublicAddReply proto.InternalMessageInfo type WxPublicEmptyUnionIdRequest struct { XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *WxPublicEmptyUnionIdRequest) Reset() { *m = WxPublicEmptyUnionIdRequest{} } func (m *WxPublicEmptyUnionIdRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*WxPublicEmptyUnionIdRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*WxPublicEmptyUnionIdRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{48} } func (m *WxPublicEmptyUnionIdRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_WxPublicEmptyUnionIdRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *WxPublicEmptyUnionIdRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_WxPublicEmptyUnionIdRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *WxPublicEmptyUnionIdRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_WxPublicEmptyUnionIdRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *WxPublicEmptyUnionIdRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_WxPublicEmptyUnionIdRequest.Size(m) } func (m *WxPublicEmptyUnionIdRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_WxPublicEmptyUnionIdRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_WxPublicEmptyUnionIdRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo type WxPublicEmptyUnionIdReply struct { XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *WxPublicEmptyUnionIdReply) Reset() { *m = WxPublicEmptyUnionIdReply{} } func (m *WxPublicEmptyUnionIdReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*WxPublicEmptyUnionIdReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*WxPublicEmptyUnionIdReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{49} } func (m *WxPublicEmptyUnionIdReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_WxPublicEmptyUnionIdReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *WxPublicEmptyUnionIdReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_WxPublicEmptyUnionIdReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *WxPublicEmptyUnionIdReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_WxPublicEmptyUnionIdReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *WxPublicEmptyUnionIdReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_WxPublicEmptyUnionIdReply.Size(m) } func (m *WxPublicEmptyUnionIdReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_WxPublicEmptyUnionIdReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_WxPublicEmptyUnionIdReply proto.InternalMessageInfo type GateQcodeRequest struct { Visitor bool `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=visitor,proto3" json:"visitor"` GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` DeviceId int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=device_id,json=deviceId,proto3" json:"device_id"` VisitorStart int64 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=visitor_start,json=visitorStart,proto3" json:"visitor_start"` VisitorEnd int64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=visitor_end,json=visitorEnd,proto3" json:"visitor_end"` Uid int64 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=uid,proto3" json:"uid"` VisitorPhone string `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=visitor_phone,json=visitorPhone,proto3" json:"visitor_phone"` VisitorName string `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=visitor_name,json=visitorName,proto3" json:"visitor_name"` UserName string `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=user_name,json=userName,proto3" json:"user_name"` Phone string `protobuf:"bytes,10,opt,name=phone,proto3" json:"phone"` Comment string `protobuf:"bytes,11,opt,name=comment,proto3" json:"comment"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *GateQcodeRequest) Reset() { *m = GateQcodeRequest{} } func (m *GateQcodeRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*GateQcodeRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*GateQcodeRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{50} } func (m *GateQcodeRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_GateQcodeRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *GateQcodeRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_GateQcodeRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *GateQcodeRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_GateQcodeRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *GateQcodeRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_GateQcodeRequest.Size(m) } func (m *GateQcodeRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_GateQcodeRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_GateQcodeRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *GateQcodeRequest) GetVisitor() bool { if m != nil { return m.Visitor } return false } func (m *GateQcodeRequest) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *GateQcodeRequest) GetDeviceId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.DeviceId } return 0 } func (m *GateQcodeRequest) GetVisitorStart() int64 { if m != nil { return m.VisitorStart } return 0 } func (m *GateQcodeRequest) GetVisitorEnd() int64 { if m != nil { return m.VisitorEnd } return 0 } func (m *GateQcodeRequest) GetUid() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Uid } return 0 } func (m *GateQcodeRequest) GetVisitorPhone() string { if m != nil { return m.VisitorPhone } return "" } func (m *GateQcodeRequest) GetVisitorName() string { if m != nil { return m.VisitorName } return "" } func (m *GateQcodeRequest) GetUserName() string { if m != nil { return m.UserName } return "" } func (m *GateQcodeRequest) GetPhone() string { if m != nil { return m.Phone } return "" } func (m *GateQcodeRequest) GetComment() string { if m != nil { return m.Comment } return "" } type GateQcodeReply struct { Qcode string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=qcode,proto3" json:"qcode"` Id int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *GateQcodeReply) Reset() { *m = GateQcodeReply{} } func (m *GateQcodeReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*GateQcodeReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*GateQcodeReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{51} } func (m *GateQcodeReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_GateQcodeReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *GateQcodeReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_GateQcodeReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *GateQcodeReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_GateQcodeReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *GateQcodeReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_GateQcodeReply.Size(m) } func (m *GateQcodeReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_GateQcodeReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_GateQcodeReply proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *GateQcodeReply) GetQcode() string { if m != nil { return m.Qcode } return "" } func (m *GateQcodeReply) GetId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Id } return 0 } type HouseholdDelHouseRequest struct { HouseId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=house_id,json=houseId,proto3" json:"house_id"` HouseholdUid int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=household_uid,json=householdUid,proto3" json:"household_uid"` GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` RentIds []int64 `protobuf:"varint,4,rep,packed,name=rent_ids,json=rentIds,proto3" json:"rent_ids"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdDelHouseRequest) Reset() { *m = HouseholdDelHouseRequest{} } func (m *HouseholdDelHouseRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdDelHouseRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdDelHouseRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{52} } func (m *HouseholdDelHouseRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelHouseRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdDelHouseRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelHouseRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdDelHouseRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelHouseRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdDelHouseRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelHouseRequest.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdDelHouseRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelHouseRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelHouseRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseholdDelHouseRequest) GetHouseId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HouseId } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdDelHouseRequest) GetHouseholdUid() int64 { if m != nil { return m.HouseholdUid } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdDelHouseRequest) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *HouseholdDelHouseRequest) GetRentIds() []int64 { if m != nil { return m.RentIds } return nil } type HouseholdDelHouseReply struct { XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseholdDelHouseReply) Reset() { *m = HouseholdDelHouseReply{} } func (m *HouseholdDelHouseReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseholdDelHouseReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseholdDelHouseReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{53} } func (m *HouseholdDelHouseReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelHouseReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseholdDelHouseReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelHouseReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseholdDelHouseReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelHouseReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseholdDelHouseReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelHouseReply.Size(m) } func (m *HouseholdDelHouseReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelHouseReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseholdDelHouseReply proto.InternalMessageInfo type HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest struct { GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` Uid int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=uid,proto3" json:"uid"` RentId int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=rent_id,json=rentId,proto3" json:"rent_id"` Name string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name"` Phone string `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=phone,proto3" json:"phone"` Gender int32 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=gender,proto3" json:"gender"` AppointmentTime int64 `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=appointment_time,json=appointmentTime,proto3" json:"appointment_time"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest) Reset() { *m = HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest{} } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{54} } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest) GetUid() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Uid } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest) GetRentId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.RentId } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest) GetName() string { if m != nil { return m.Name } return "" } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest) GetPhone() string { if m != nil { return m.Phone } return "" } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest) GetGender() int32 { if m != nil { return m.Gender } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest) GetAppointmentTime() int64 { if m != nil { return m.AppointmentTime } return 0 } type HouseRentAppointmentAddReply struct { Id int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddReply) Reset() { *m = HouseRentAppointmentAddReply{} } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentAppointmentAddReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentAppointmentAddReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{55} } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentAddReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentAddReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentAddReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentAddReply.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentAddReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentAddReply proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseRentAppointmentAddReply) GetId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Id } return 0 } type HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest struct { GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` Id int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id"` RentIds []int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,rep,packed,name=rent_ids,json=rentIds,proto3" json:"rent_ids"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest) Reset() { *m = HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest{} } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{56} } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest) GetId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Id } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest) GetRentIds() []int64 { if m != nil { return m.RentIds } return nil } type HouseRentAppointmentDelReply struct { XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentDelReply) Reset() { *m = HouseRentAppointmentDelReply{} } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentDelReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentAppointmentDelReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentAppointmentDelReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{57} } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentDelReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentDelReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentDelReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentDelReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentDelReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentDelReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentDelReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentDelReply.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentDelReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentDelReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentDelReply proto.InternalMessageInfo type HouseRentAppointmentListRequest struct { GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` RentId int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=rent_id,json=rentId,proto3" json:"rent_id"` Uid int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=uid,proto3" json:"uid"` Page int64 `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=page,proto3" json:"page"` PageSize int64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=page_size,json=pageSize,proto3" json:"page_size"` HouseName string `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=house_name,json=houseName,proto3" json:"house_name"` Phone string `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=phone,proto3" json:"phone"` Name string `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListRequest) Reset() { *m = HouseRentAppointmentListRequest{} } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentAppointmentListRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentAppointmentListRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{58} } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentListRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentListRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentListRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentListRequest.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentListRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentListRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListRequest) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListRequest) GetRentId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.RentId } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListRequest) GetUid() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Uid } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListRequest) GetPage() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Page } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListRequest) GetPageSize() int64 { if m != nil { return m.PageSize } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListRequest) GetHouseName() string { if m != nil { return m.HouseName } return "" } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListRequest) GetPhone() string { if m != nil { return m.Phone } return "" } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListRequest) GetName() string { if m != nil { return m.Name } return "" } type HouseRentAppointmentItem struct { Id int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id"` Uid int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=uid,proto3" json:"uid"` RentId int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=rent_id,json=rentId,proto3" json:"rent_id"` Name string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name"` Phone string `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=phone,proto3" json:"phone"` Gender int32 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=gender,proto3" json:"gender"` AppointmentTime int64 `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=appointment_time,json=appointmentTime,proto3" json:"appointment_time"` HouseName string `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=house_name,json=houseName,proto3" json:"house_name"` Area float64 `protobuf:"fixed64,9,opt,name=area,proto3" json:"area"` Layer int64 `protobuf:"varint,10,opt,name=layer,proto3" json:"layer"` // 1 待受理,2 已受理,3 已拒绝,4 未到访,5已到访,6已过期 Status int32 `protobuf:"varint,11,opt,name=status,proto3" json:"status"` GardenName string `protobuf:"bytes,12,opt,name=garden_name,json=gardenName,proto3" json:"garden_name"` GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,13,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentItem) Reset() { *m = HouseRentAppointmentItem{} } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentItem) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentAppointmentItem) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentAppointmentItem) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{59} } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentItem) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentItem.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentItem) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentItem.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentItem) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentItem.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentItem) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentItem.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentItem) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentItem.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentItem proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseRentAppointmentItem) GetId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Id } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentItem) GetUid() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Uid } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentItem) GetRentId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.RentId } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentItem) GetName() string { if m != nil { return m.Name } return "" } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentItem) GetPhone() string { if m != nil { return m.Phone } return "" } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentItem) GetGender() int32 { if m != nil { return m.Gender } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentItem) GetAppointmentTime() int64 { if m != nil { return m.AppointmentTime } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentItem) GetHouseName() string { if m != nil { return m.HouseName } return "" } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentItem) GetArea() float64 { if m != nil { return m.Area } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentItem) GetLayer() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Layer } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentItem) GetStatus() int32 { if m != nil { return m.Status } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentItem) GetGardenName() string { if m != nil { return m.GardenName } return "" } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentItem) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } type HouseRentAppointmentListReply struct { Page int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=page,proto3" json:"page"` Total int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=total,proto3" json:"total"` List []*HouseRentAppointmentItem `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=list,proto3" json:"list"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListReply) Reset() { *m = HouseRentAppointmentListReply{} } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentAppointmentListReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentAppointmentListReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{60} } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentListReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentListReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentListReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentListReply.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentListReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentListReply proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListReply) GetPage() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Page } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListReply) GetTotal() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Total } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentListReply) GetList() []*HouseRentAppointmentItem { if m != nil { return m.List } return nil } type HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest struct { Id int64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=id,proto3" json:"id"` //2 已受理,3 已拒绝,4 未到访,5已到访 Status int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=status,proto3" json:"status"` GardenId int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=garden_id,json=gardenId,proto3" json:"garden_id"` Feedback string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=feedback,proto3" json:"feedback"` XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest) Reset() { *m = HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest{} } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{61} } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo func (m *HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest) GetId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.Id } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest) GetStatus() int32 { if m != nil { return m.Status } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest) GetGardenId() int64 { if m != nil { return m.GardenId } return 0 } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest) GetFeedback() string { if m != nil { return m.Feedback } return "" } type HouseRentAppointmentStatusReply struct { XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"` XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` XXX_sizecache int32 `json:"-"` } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentStatusReply) Reset() { *m = HouseRentAppointmentStatusReply{} } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentStatusReply) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } func (*HouseRentAppointmentStatusReply) ProtoMessage() {} func (*HouseRentAppointmentStatusReply) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923, []int{62} } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentStatusReply) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentStatusReply.Unmarshal(m, b) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentStatusReply) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentStatusReply.Marshal(b, m, deterministic) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentStatusReply) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentStatusReply.Merge(m, src) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentStatusReply) XXX_Size() int { return xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentStatusReply.Size(m) } func (m *HouseRentAppointmentStatusReply) XXX_DiscardUnknown() { xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentStatusReply.DiscardUnknown(m) } var xxx_messageInfo_HouseRentAppointmentStatusReply proto.InternalMessageInfo func init() { proto.RegisterType((*LoginRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.LoginRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdHouseInfo)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdHouseInfo") proto.RegisterType((*LoginReply)(nil), "pb_v1.LoginReply") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdApplyRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdApplyRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdApplyReply)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdApplyReply") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdApproveRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdApproveRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdApproveReply)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdApproveReply") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdRefuseRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdRefuseRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdRefuseReply)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdRefuseReply") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdListRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdListRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdItem)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdItem") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdListReply)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdListReply") proto.RegisterType((*RealNameAuthRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.RealNameAuthRequest") proto.RegisterType((*RealNameAuthReply)(nil), "pb_v1.RealNameAuthReply") proto.RegisterType((*UserUpdateNickNameRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.UserUpdateNickNameRequest") proto.RegisterType((*UserUpdateNickNameReply)(nil), "pb_v1.UserUpdateNickNameReply") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdDelApplyRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdDelApplyRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdDelApplyReply)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdDelApplyReply") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdGardenNameChangeRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdGardenNameChangeReply)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdGardenNameChangeReply") proto.RegisterType((*UserInfoRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.UserInfoRequest") proto.RegisterType((*UserInfoReply)(nil), "pb_v1.UserInfoReply") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdUserListRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdUserListRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdUserItem)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdUserItem") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdUserListReply)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdUserListReply") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdHousesRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdHousesRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdHousesReply)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdHousesReply") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentBaseConf)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentBaseConf") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentSpecialConf)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentSpecialConf") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentApplyRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentApplyRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentApplyReply)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentApplyReply") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentUpdateRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentUpdateRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentUpdateReply)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentUpdateReply") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentApproveRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentApproveRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentApproveReply)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentApproveReply") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentDownRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentDownRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentDownReply)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentDownReply") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentListRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentListRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentItem)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentItem") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentListReply)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentListReply") proto.RegisterType((*GardenHouseRentListRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.GardenHouseRentListRequest") proto.RegisterType((*GardenHouseRentListReply)(nil), "pb_v1.GardenHouseRentListReply") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentChangeFieldRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentChangeFieldRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentChangeFieldReply)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentChangeFieldReply") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdWaitCountRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdWaitCountRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdWaitCountReply)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdWaitCountReply") proto.RegisterType((*UserWxPublicAddRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.UserWxPublicAddRequest") proto.RegisterType((*UserWxPublicAddReply)(nil), "pb_v1.UserWxPublicAddReply") proto.RegisterType((*WxPublicEmptyUnionIdRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.WxPublicEmptyUnionIdRequest") proto.RegisterType((*WxPublicEmptyUnionIdReply)(nil), "pb_v1.WxPublicEmptyUnionIdReply") proto.RegisterType((*GateQcodeRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.GateQcodeRequest") proto.RegisterType((*GateQcodeReply)(nil), "pb_v1.GateQcodeReply") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdDelHouseRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdDelHouseRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseholdDelHouseReply)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseholdDelHouseReply") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentAppointmentAddRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentAppointmentAddReply)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentAppointmentAddReply") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentAppointmentDelRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentAppointmentDelReply)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentAppointmentDelReply") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentAppointmentListRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentAppointmentListRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentAppointmentItem)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentAppointmentItem") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentAppointmentListReply)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentAppointmentListReply") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentAppointmentStatusRequest") proto.RegisterType((*HouseRentAppointmentStatusReply)(nil), "pb_v1.HouseRentAppointmentStatusReply") } func init() { proto.RegisterFile("household.proto", fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923) } var fileDescriptor_137f5ce6ca8cb923 = []byte{ // 2763 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto 0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0xec, 0x3a, 0x4f, 0x6f, 0xdc, 0xc6, 0xf5, 0xe0, 0xfe, 0xe5, 0x8e, 0x76, 0x2d, 0x99, 0x56, 0x24, 0xca, 0xf2, 0x1f, 0x99, 0xfe, 0x25, 0x51, 0x80, 0xc4, 0x41, 0x7e, 0x01, 0x7a, 0x77, 0x6c, 0xd7, 0x55, 0x21, 0x04, 0x2e, 0x1d, 0x23, 0x40, 0x81, 0x62, 0x3b, 0x4b, 0xce, 0x4a, 0x03, 0x73, 0x49, 0x86, 0x9c, 0x5d, 0x65, 0x7d, 0xe8, 0xa9, 0x87, 0x02, 0x45, 0x2f, 0xbd, 0x15, 0x28, 0x7a, 0x6a, 0x7b, 0xe8, 0x87, 0x28, 0x90, 0x2f, 0xd0, 0x43, 0x8b, 0x1e, 0x7b, 0x28, 0x7a, 0xea, 0x47, 0x68, 0x4f, 0xc5, 0x7b, 0x33, 0x24, 0x67, 0xb8, 0xdc, 0xb5, 0x1c, 0x24, 0x40, 0x51, 0xe8, 0xb4, 0xf3, 0xde, 0x1b, 0xce, 0xbc, 0x79, 0xff, 0xe7, 0xcd, 0x92, 0xed, 0xf3, 0x64, 0x9e, 0xb3, 0xf3, 0x24, 0x0a, 0x1f, 0xa4, 0x59, 0x22, 0x12, 0xa7, 0x9b, 0x4e, 0xc6, 0x8b, 0x8f, 0xbc, 0xdf, 0x58, 0x64, 0x78, 0x9a, 0x9c, 0xf1, 0xd8, 0x67, 0x5f, 0xcc, 0x59, 0x2e, 0x9c, 0xfb, 0x64, 0x94, 0x9e, 0x27, 0x31, 0x1b, 0xb3, 0x38, 0xc8, 0x96, 0xa9, 0x70, 0xad, 0x23, 0xeb, 0x78, 0xe0, 0x0f, 0x11, 0xf9, 0x44, 0xe2, 0x9c, 0x7b, 0x64, 0x38, 0xcf, 0x59, 0x56, 0xce, 0x69, 0xe1, 0x9c, 0x2d, 0xc0, 0x15, 0x53, 0x0e, 0x88, 0x2d, 0xd7, 0xe1, 0x0b, 0xb7, 0x8d, 0xe4, 0x3e, 0xc2, 0x27, 0x0b, 0x67, 0x9f, 0xf4, 0xf1, 0x6b, 0xbe, 0x70, 0x3b, 0x48, 0xe9, 0x01, 0x78, 0xb2, 0x70, 0x1c, 0xd2, 0x09, 0x92, 0x90, 0xb9, 0x5d, 0xc4, 0xe2, 0xd8, 0xfb, 0xb3, 0x45, 0x9c, 0xef, 0x15, 0xbc, 0xe3, 0xe0, 0x24, 0x9e, 0x26, 0xce, 0x21, 0x19, 0x9c, 0xd1, 0x2c, 0x64, 0xf1, 0x98, 0x87, 0xc8, 0x62, 0xdb, 0xb7, 0x25, 0xe2, 0x24, 0x74, 0xee, 0x92, 0x2d, 0x45, 0x8c, 0xe9, 0x8c, 0x29, 0xee, 0x88, 0x44, 0x7d, 0x4a, 0x67, 0x0c, 0x98, 0x43, 0x79, 0xc0, 0xc7, 0x6d, 0xfc, 0xb8, 0x8f, 0xf0, 0x49, 0xe8, 0xdc, 0x26, 0x44, 0x92, 0xf0, 0x53, 0xc9, 0xdf, 0x00, 0x31, 0xf8, 0xe5, 0x35, 0xd2, 0xe2, 0x21, 0x32, 0xd8, 0xf6, 0x5b, 0x3c, 0x04, 0x3e, 0xf0, 0x2c, 0x62, 0x99, 0x32, 0xb7, 0x77, 0x64, 0x1d, 0x77, 0x7d, 0x1b, 0x10, 0x9f, 0x2d, 0x53, 0x06, 0x07, 0x0d, 0x68, 0x3c, 0x4e, 0xe9, 0xd2, 0xed, 0x1f, 0x59, 0xc7, 0xb6, 0xdf, 0x0b, 0x68, 0xfc, 0x8c, 0x2e, 0xbd, 0x9f, 0xb5, 0x08, 0x51, 0x52, 0x4f, 0xa3, 0xa5, 0xb3, 0x4b, 0xba, 0x28, 0x1b, 0x25, 0x6b, 0x09, 0x38, 0x3b, 0xa4, 0x3d, 0xe7, 0x21, 0x72, 0xdf, 0xf6, 0x61, 0x08, 0x9b, 0xc5, 0x3c, 0x78, 0x29, 0x59, 0x93, 0x42, 0xb5, 0x01, 0x81, 0x9c, 0xed, 0x93, 0x7e, 0x92, 0x4a, 0x79, 0x28, 0xa9, 0x02, 0x78, 0x82, 0x5f, 0x65, 0x8c, 0x46, 0xf2, 0x2b, 0x29, 0x5a, 0x1b, 0x10, 0xf8, 0xd5, 0x1e, 0xe9, 0xd1, 0x05, 0x15, 0x34, 0x43, 0xe6, 0x07, 0xbe, 0x82, 0x9c, 0x0f, 0x48, 0x27, 0xe2, 0xb9, 0x70, 0xfb, 0x47, 0xed, 0xe3, 0xad, 0xff, 0x3f, 0x78, 0x80, 0xd6, 0xf2, 0x60, 0x55, 0x11, 0x3e, 0x4e, 0x83, 0x3d, 0x60, 0x37, 0x3e, 0x83, 0xed, 0x6d, 0xb9, 0x87, 0x44, 0x48, 0x06, 0x78, 0x38, 0x8e, 0xe7, 0xb3, 0x09, 0xcb, 0xdc, 0x81, 0x24, 0xf2, 0xf0, 0x53, 0x84, 0xbd, 0x7f, 0x5b, 0xe4, 0xad, 0x72, 0xd9, 0x87, 0x69, 0x1a, 0x2d, 0x0b, 0x4b, 0x54, 0xe7, 0xb7, 0x8c, 0xf3, 0x57, 0xc2, 0x6e, 0xd5, 0x84, 0x5d, 0x0a, 0xb1, 0xad, 0x0b, 0xd1, 0x21, 0x1d, 0x4d, 0x91, 0x38, 0x36, 0xb4, 0xdf, 0x35, 0xb5, 0xbf, 0x4f, 0xfa, 0x3c, 0xd4, 0x95, 0xd9, 0xe3, 0x21, 0xae, 0x6e, 0x9c, 0xa1, 0x6f, 0x9e, 0xc1, 0xb9, 0x49, 0x6c, 0x9a, 0xa6, 0x2c, 0x0e, 0xf9, 0x97, 0xae, 0x7d, 0xd4, 0x06, 0x5a, 0x01, 0x9b, 0x86, 0x3a, 0x30, 0x0d, 0xd5, 0x7b, 0x9b, 0xdc, 0xa8, 0x9f, 0x1d, 0xec, 0x41, 0x1a, 0x99, 0x55, 0x18, 0x99, 0xf7, 0x23, 0xb2, 0xaf, 0x4f, 0xcb, 0x92, 0x05, 0x2b, 0x84, 0x54, 0x9b, 0x0a, 0xfa, 0xcc, 0x05, 0x15, 0xf3, 0x1c, 0xe5, 0x63, 0xfb, 0x0a, 0x02, 0x16, 0xa7, 0x8c, 0x85, 0x13, 0x1a, 0xbc, 0x2c, 0x2c, 0xa7, 0x80, 0xbd, 0x7d, 0x53, 0x03, 0x72, 0xf9, 0x34, 0x5a, 0x7a, 0xbf, 0xb7, 0xc8, 0x5e, 0x49, 0xf1, 0xd9, 0x74, 0x9e, 0x97, 0xfb, 0xea, 0x32, 0xb4, 0x4c, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x27, 0x6e, 0xd5, 0x5c, 0x13, 0x7c, 0x3f, 0xe6, 0xa2, 0x72, 0xbc, 0x1e, 0x80, 0xd2, 0x67, 0x27, 0x73, 0x1e, 0x85, 0x3c, 0x3e, 0x2b, 0x4c, 0xb8, 0xed, 0x93, 0x02, 0x75, 0x12, 0x1a, 0x27, 0xe8, 0xd6, 0x4e, 0xb0, 0x47, 0x76, 0x57, 0xf8, 0x84, 0x03, 0xfc, 0xc9, 0xd2, 0x08, 0xa7, 0x3c, 0x17, 0x05, 0xfb, 0x1b, 0xc3, 0xc7, 0xaa, 0xe3, 0x39, 0xa4, 0x93, 0xd2, 0x33, 0xa6, 0x58, 0xc6, 0x31, 0x2c, 0x01, 0xbf, 0xe3, 0x9c, 0xbf, 0x62, 0x8a, 0x5d, 0x1b, 0x10, 0xcf, 0xf9, 0x2b, 0xe6, 0xbc, 0x4d, 0xae, 0x51, 0x29, 0xc9, 0xb1, 0x52, 0x47, 0x17, 0xcd, 0x69, 0xa4, 0xb0, 0xcf, 0xa5, 0x56, 0x36, 0x46, 0x8f, 0xc2, 0x74, 0xfb, 0x95, 0xe9, 0x7a, 0xff, 0x6c, 0x91, 0x51, 0x79, 0xa0, 0x13, 0xc1, 0x66, 0x2b, 0x06, 0xf0, 0x0d, 0xf9, 0x88, 0x6e, 0xd2, 0xdd, 0x9a, 0x49, 0x7f, 0x3d, 0x27, 0x31, 0x03, 0xab, 0x5d, 0x0f, 0xac, 0xab, 0x12, 0x1b, 0x34, 0x49, 0xac, 0x16, 0xda, 0xc9, 0xc6, 0xd0, 0xbe, 0xb5, 0xc1, 0x30, 0x87, 0xcd, 0x4a, 0x1f, 0x95, 0x4a, 0xf7, 0xce, 0xb5, 0xc4, 0x23, 0x6d, 0x07, 0x7c, 0xb3, 0x30, 0x05, 0x4b, 0x33, 0x85, 0x5d, 0xd2, 0x15, 0x89, 0xa0, 0x91, 0x32, 0x19, 0x09, 0x38, 0xc7, 0x2a, 0x84, 0xb6, 0x31, 0x84, 0xee, 0xd6, 0x43, 0x28, 0x68, 0x4f, 0x46, 0x4f, 0xef, 0x15, 0xb9, 0xe1, 0xab, 0x80, 0xfc, 0x70, 0x2e, 0xce, 0x37, 0x06, 0xc0, 0x2a, 0x94, 0xb7, 0x6a, 0xa1, 0xdc, 0x90, 0x7e, 0xbb, 0x26, 0x7d, 0x4d, 0x67, 0x1d, 0x5d, 0x67, 0xde, 0x0d, 0x72, 0xdd, 0xdc, 0x1b, 0xfc, 0xe6, 0xfb, 0xe4, 0xe0, 0x45, 0xce, 0xb2, 0x17, 0x69, 0x48, 0x05, 0xfb, 0x54, 0x65, 0x98, 0x8d, 0x6c, 0x55, 0x79, 0xa9, 0x65, 0xe6, 0x25, 0xef, 0x80, 0xec, 0x37, 0xad, 0x05, 0xdb, 0xfc, 0xda, 0x22, 0x6e, 0x29, 0x8f, 0xc7, 0x2c, 0x32, 0xc2, 0x7f, 0xdd, 0xb0, 0x75, 0xc5, 0xb6, 0x36, 0x28, 0xb6, 0xbd, 0x5a, 0x0c, 0x6c, 0x0e, 0x2c, 0x5a, 0x48, 0xea, 0xea, 0x21, 0xc9, 0x73, 0xb5, 0xe8, 0x57, 0x71, 0x07, 0x8c, 0xff, 0x98, 0x1c, 0x95, 0x94, 0xa7, 0xa5, 0xed, 0x3d, 0x3a, 0xa7, 0xf1, 0x19, 0xbb, 0x54, 0x88, 0x79, 0x5d, 0x85, 0xe2, 0x1d, 0x91, 0x3b, 0x1b, 0x76, 0x00, 0x1e, 0xee, 0x93, 0x6d, 0x90, 0x2b, 0x26, 0xe1, 0x75, 0x9a, 0xf1, 0x26, 0x64, 0x54, 0x4d, 0x02, 0xf3, 0x35, 0x2c, 0xc8, 0xaa, 0x59, 0x90, 0x66, 0x24, 0xad, 0xf5, 0x8e, 0x5d, 0x33, 0x2d, 0xef, 0x57, 0xba, 0x16, 0x61, 0x37, 0x3d, 0xd0, 0x36, 0xb9, 0x8b, 0x11, 0x39, 0x5b, 0xb5, 0xc8, 0xb9, 0x51, 0x97, 0x6f, 0x1c, 0x2f, 0xbf, 0xb2, 0xc8, 0x75, 0x83, 0xb7, 0x6f, 0x33, 0x66, 0x6a, 0xe2, 0xeb, 0xae, 0x17, 0x5f, 0xaf, 0xe6, 0x99, 0x35, 0x53, 0xe8, 0xaf, 0x98, 0x42, 0xaa, 0x99, 0x61, 0x25, 0xde, 0x37, 0x8b, 0x45, 0xef, 0x1b, 0xb1, 0xc8, 0xad, 0xc7, 0xa2, 0x42, 0x32, 0x2a, 0x1e, 0x3d, 0xd1, 0x76, 0xc4, 0x41, 0xbe, 0xde, 0xf7, 0x0f, 0x88, 0x3d, 0x4d, 0xb2, 0x71, 0xc6, 0x62, 0xa1, 0x4a, 0x8e, 0xfe, 0x34, 0xc9, 0x7c, 0x16, 0xc3, 0x32, 0xbb, 0x2b, 0xcb, 0x00, 0xdb, 0x45, 0x6d, 0x69, 0x5d, 0xaa, 0xb6, 0xf4, 0xfe, 0xd0, 0x52, 0x3a, 0x84, 0x45, 0x3f, 0xa1, 0x39, 0x7b, 0x94, 0xc4, 0x53, 0xe0, 0x64, 0xc2, 0x24, 0x27, 0xb6, 0x0f, 0x43, 0xc0, 0x9c, 0xd1, 0xa2, 0xee, 0x81, 0x21, 0xf0, 0x76, 0x41, 0xb3, 0xd9, 0x18, 0xd0, 0x6d, 0xc9, 0x1b, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0x69, 0xee, 0xdc, 0x22, 0x83, 0x49, 0x96, 0xd0, 0x70, 0x42, 0x63, 0x19, 0x13, 0x6c, 0xbf, 0x42, 0x38, 0x1e, 0x19, 0x66, 0x6c, 0x9a, 0xd1, 0x33, 0x96, 0x51, 0x91, 0x64, 0xa8, 0x4e, 0xdb, 0x37, 0x70, 0x8e, 0x4b, 0x60, 0xb1, 0x30, 0x99, 0x48, 0x4b, 0x94, 0x6b, 0x03, 0x08, 0x6a, 0xc9, 0x93, 0x29, 0x55, 0x35, 0x3f, 0x8e, 0x61, 0x45, 0xca, 0xb3, 0x20, 0x89, 0x43, 0x2e, 0x78, 0x12, 0x63, 0xfe, 0xb3, 0x7d, 0x03, 0x07, 0x66, 0x29, 0x16, 0x98, 0xf6, 0x6c, 0xbf, 0x25, 0x16, 0x50, 0xcb, 0x9d, 0x33, 0x2a, 0x58, 0x86, 0x69, 0xce, 0xf6, 0x15, 0x04, 0xb9, 0xf9, 0x82, 0x66, 0xf9, 0x39, 0x8f, 0xcf, 0x30, 0xc5, 0xd9, 0x7e, 0x09, 0x7b, 0xff, 0x2a, 0x2a, 0x1e, 0x10, 0xd6, 0xf3, 0x94, 0x05, 0x9c, 0x46, 0x28, 0xaf, 0xf7, 0xc8, 0x0e, 0x8f, 0x05, 0x8b, 0x22, 0x7e, 0xc6, 0x62, 0x31, 0x8e, 0x92, 0xe0, 0xa5, 0x12, 0xde, 0xb6, 0x86, 0x3f, 0x4d, 0x82, 0x97, 0xc0, 0xff, 0x05, 0x9f, 0x72, 0x25, 0x49, 0x1c, 0x83, 0x59, 0xcd, 0x98, 0xc8, 0x12, 0x25, 0x47, 0x09, 0x40, 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x69, 0xf6, 0x72, 0x9c, 0xa7, 0x34, 0x60, 0x85, 0x18, 0x01, 0xf3, 0x1c, 0x10, 0x90, 0xd3, 0x79, 0x1c, 0x32, 0x28, 0x1b, 0x60, 0xcf, 0x8b, 0x40, 0x09, 0x72, 0xa4, 0x61, 0x3f, 0x0f, 0x9c, 0x77, 0xc9, 0x76, 0x9a, 0xf1, 0x05, 0x15, 0x6c, 0x3c, 0xa1, 0x51, 0x90, 0xc4, 0x4b, 0x25, 0xd1, 0x6b, 0x0a, 0xfd, 0x89, 0xc4, 0xc2, 0x76, 0x53, 0x9e, 0xe5, 0x42, 0x5a, 0x9b, 0x14, 0xef, 0x00, 0x31, 0x68, 0x6f, 0x3f, 0xef, 0xab, 0x42, 0x16, 0x20, 0x23, 0x97, 0x6c, 0xa8, 0x56, 0x77, 0x49, 0x37, 0xa2, 0x4b, 0x96, 0x15, 0xfe, 0x82, 0x40, 0x55, 0xac, 0xd0, 0x8c, 0x51, 0x3c, 0xb3, 0xa5, 0x8a, 0x95, 0x87, 0x19, 0xa3, 0x60, 0x3d, 0x21, 0xcf, 0x58, 0x80, 0xaa, 0x94, 0xf9, 0xb4, 0x42, 0xc0, 0xc7, 0x59, 0x92, 0xcc, 0xc6, 0x41, 0x32, 0x8f, 0x85, 0xca, 0x29, 0x03, 0xc0, 0x3c, 0x02, 0x04, 0xae, 0x4d, 0xa3, 0x48, 0x91, 0x7b, 0x92, 0x0c, 0x18, 0x49, 0x06, 0xa3, 0x0d, 0x14, 0xb1, 0x2f, 0x79, 0xbd, 0x08, 0x24, 0xe9, 0x0e, 0x21, 0x21, 0x0b, 0x92, 0x8c, 0x0a, 0x50, 0xbd, 0x8d, 0xfb, 0x6a, 0x18, 0x60, 0x2b, 0x48, 0x62, 0x41, 0x03, 0x51, 0x5e, 0xb4, 0x2a, 0x04, 0xdc, 0xec, 0x15, 0x30, 0x96, 0x01, 0x4d, 0x16, 0x4f, 0x43, 0x85, 0x7c, 0x86, 0x71, 0xcd, 0x23, 0xa3, 0x94, 0x2e, 0xc7, 0x82, 0xcf, 0x98, 0x8c, 0x64, 0x5b, 0xb8, 0xcb, 0x56, 0x4a, 0x97, 0x9f, 0xf1, 0x19, 0x2b, 0xc2, 0x19, 0x28, 0x40, 0xd2, 0x87, 0x32, 0x5c, 0x02, 0xa2, 0x24, 0xc2, 0xe1, 0x91, 0x38, 0x52, 0xc4, 0x24, 0x99, 0x19, 0x44, 0x94, 0xea, 0x35, 0x94, 0x2a, 0x12, 0x51, 0xa8, 0x20, 0x36, 0x58, 0x36, 0xcd, 0x78, 0xc0, 0xdc, 0x6d, 0x25, 0x36, 0x16, 0x8b, 0x67, 0x80, 0x00, 0xab, 0x0f, 0x59, 0x9e, 0x26, 0x39, 0x17, 0xee, 0x8e, 0xcc, 0x0b, 0x05, 0x8c, 0x91, 0x37, 0x46, 0xa6, 0xdd, 0xeb, 0x32, 0x85, 0xf3, 0x18, 0xd8, 0x85, 0x33, 0xe7, 0x2c, 0x5b, 0xf0, 0x80, 0xa9, 0x65, 0x1d, 0x24, 0x0f, 0x15, 0x52, 0xae, 0xfc, 0x01, 0x71, 0xc0, 0x05, 0xb2, 0x19, 0x0b, 0x39, 0xcd, 0x96, 0x6a, 0xe6, 0x0d, 0x9c, 0x79, 0x5d, 0xa7, 0xc8, 0xe9, 0x87, 0x64, 0x30, 0xa1, 0x39, 0x1b, 0x07, 0x49, 0x3c, 0x75, 0x77, 0x25, 0x27, 0x93, 0x22, 0x2c, 0xdd, 0x23, 0xc3, 0x5c, 0x7a, 0x9d, 0xa4, 0xbf, 0x85, 0xf4, 0xad, 0x5c, 0xf3, 0x44, 0x87, 0x74, 0x42, 0x96, 0x07, 0xee, 0x9e, 0x4c, 0x1d, 0x30, 0x86, 0x35, 0xa5, 0xbd, 0xa5, 0x3c, 0x70, 0xf7, 0x65, 0xbd, 0x8d, 0x88, 0x67, 0x3c, 0x00, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x58, 0x26, 0x90, 0xe6, 0x22, 0xad, 0x0f, 0x30, 0x90, 0xee, 0x93, 0x51, 0xd9, 0xd8, 0x19, 0x43, 0x64, 0x3e, 0x90, 0xe7, 0x2b, 0x91, 0x2f, 0x54, 0xe5, 0x44, 0xf3, 0x71, 0xc4, 0xa7, 0xc2, 0xbd, 0x29, 0x43, 0xd5, 0x39, 0xcd, 0x4f, 0xf9, 0x54, 0x40, 0x10, 0x53, 0xf5, 0xb5, 0x7b, 0x28, 0x29, 0x0a, 0x34, 0xf3, 0xf0, 0xad, 0xd5, 0x62, 0x39, 0xa2, 0xc2, 0xbd, 0x8d, 0x1a, 0x84, 0x21, 0x62, 0x62, 0xe1, 0xde, 0x51, 0x98, 0x58, 0x94, 0x77, 0x5b, 0xcd, 0x19, 0x9b, 0xee, 0xb6, 0x7f, 0xeb, 0xa9, 0x64, 0x03, 0xf3, 0x64, 0x91, 0x78, 0xe5, 0xb5, 0x57, 0x5e, 0xfb, 0x3f, 0xed, 0xb5, 0xba, 0x43, 0x1e, 0x98, 0x0e, 0x69, 0xb8, 0xdd, 0xcd, 0x9a, 0xdb, 0x49, 0xdf, 0x39, 0x2c, 0xeb, 0x56, 0xe5, 0x86, 0xb7, 0x36, 0xb9, 0xe1, 0x9e, 0x56, 0x0f, 0x14, 0xee, 0x05, 0xd7, 0x87, 0x57, 0xaa, 0xa7, 0xa4, 0xdc, 0x73, 0x53, 0x4f, 0x69, 0x63, 0x43, 0xa7, 0x6a, 0x38, 0xb5, 0xd7, 0x36, 0x9c, 0x3a, 0x6b, 0x1a, 0x4e, 0xc6, 0xde, 0xc0, 0xd4, 0x23, 0x8d, 0xd9, 0xc7, 0xc9, 0x45, 0xfc, 0x75, 0x38, 0xf2, 0x76, 0xd5, 0xbd, 0xbd, 0x5a, 0x04, 0x96, 0xfe, 0x63, 0x47, 0x5b, 0xfb, 0xd2, 0xad, 0xa0, 0xfb, 0x64, 0x04, 0xec, 0xf1, 0x38, 0x00, 0xcb, 0x09, 0x8b, 0x9b, 0xda, 0xb0, 0x40, 0x3e, 0x4a, 0x42, 0x34, 0xad, 0x80, 0x8b, 0xa5, 0x9c, 0xa0, 0x6e, 0x47, 0x80, 0x28, 0x88, 0xe0, 0x37, 0x92, 0xa8, 0x04, 0x01, 0x08, 0x24, 0xde, 0x25, 0x5b, 0xb9, 0xc8, 0x18, 0x13, 0x63, 0xad, 0xef, 0x4d, 0x24, 0x0a, 0x27, 0x98, 0x41, 0xa9, 0xb7, 0x39, 0x28, 0xf5, 0x37, 0x05, 0x25, 0xdb, 0x0c, 0x4a, 0x2b, 0x89, 0x63, 0xd0, 0x90, 0x38, 0xde, 0x27, 0x4e, 0xe5, 0xdb, 0xe3, 0xb3, 0xac, 0x2a, 0x46, 0xdb, 0xfe, 0x4e, 0xe9, 0xe3, 0x4f, 0x25, 0xde, 0x79, 0x87, 0x6c, 0x6b, 0xb3, 0x23, 0x96, 0xe7, 0xaa, 0x01, 0x33, 0x2a, 0xa7, 0x9e, 0xb2, 0x3c, 0x6f, 0xe8, 0xf4, 0xc8, 0x5e, 0x4c, 0xad, 0xd3, 0x53, 0x5c, 0x6e, 0x46, 0xeb, 0x6e, 0x8e, 0xd7, 0x56, 0x6f, 0x8e, 0x95, 0x87, 0x6f, 0xbf, 0xc6, 0xc3, 0x77, 0x56, 0x3d, 0xfc, 0x36, 0x21, 0xa5, 0x21, 0xe4, 0xee, 0xf5, 0xa3, 0x36, 0x08, 0xb3, 0xb0, 0x84, 0xdc, 0xfb, 0xed, 0x40, 0xb5, 0xde, 0xc0, 0x80, 0xf0, 0x1a, 0x69, 0x76, 0xb4, 0xac, 0x7a, 0x47, 0xeb, 0x2a, 0x47, 0x5d, 0xe5, 0xa8, 0xab, 0x1c, 0xb5, 0xea, 0xed, 0xb7, 0x9a, 0xfa, 0xba, 0x37, 0x89, 0x5d, 0xc4, 0x54, 0x2c, 0x2b, 0x07, 0x7e, 0x09, 0xe3, 0xb3, 0x20, 0x17, 0x4b, 0xcc, 0x6a, 0x03, 0x1f, 0xc7, 0x80, 0x43, 0x55, 0xdf, 0x95, 0x38, 0x18, 0xcb, 0x54, 0x04, 0xa1, 0xd3, 0x3d, 0x92, 0x6f, 0x59, 0x12, 0xaa, 0x77, 0x58, 0xee, 0xad, 0xf4, 0x8c, 0x55, 0x1e, 0xf5, 0x56, 0xf2, 0xe8, 0xfd, 0x32, 0x8f, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x61, 0x98, 0xb9, 0xff, 0xa7, 0x36, 0x0c, 0xc3, 0xcc, 0x28, 0x50, 0xdf, 0x36, 0x0b, 0xd4, 0x6a, 0x4f, 0xd4, 0xc8, 0x3b, 0xfa, 0x9e, 0x8f, 0x41, 0x2f, 0x2b, 0x01, 0xf8, 0xdd, 0x86, 0x00, 0x6c, 0x74, 0xeb, 0x8e, 0x6b, 0xdd, 0xba, 0xb2, 0x31, 0xf5, 0x9e, 0xd6, 0x98, 0x2a, 0xbb, 0xd6, 0x55, 0x9a, 0xfb, 0xc6, 0xba, 0xd6, 0x45, 0xe0, 0x53, 0x7d, 0x99, 0xdf, 0x75, 0xc8, 0x4d, 0xd9, 0x9a, 0xbc, 0xca, 0xab, 0x57, 0x79, 0x75, 0x6d, 0x5e, 0xf5, 0x62, 0xe2, 0x36, 0x9a, 0xc9, 0xb7, 0x65, 0x97, 0x5f, 0xb5, 0xc8, 0x61, 0x89, 0x97, 0x1d, 0xf3, 0xef, 0x72, 0x16, 0x85, 0x97, 0x32, 0xcc, 0x0d, 0xaf, 0x0c, 0x6b, 0x9f, 0x2e, 0x4d, 0x63, 0xea, 0x6c, 0x36, 0xa6, 0x6e, 0x83, 0x31, 0x95, 0x81, 0xb6, 0x67, 0x06, 0x5a, 0xb3, 0x56, 0xe8, 0xd7, 0x6b, 0x85, 0xb2, 0xc0, 0xb0, 0xf5, 0x02, 0xa3, 0x16, 0xed, 0x06, 0x8d, 0xd1, 0x2e, 0x16, 0x68, 0x6e, 0x2a, 0xb6, 0xa9, 0xf8, 0xb7, 0x55, 0xc6, 0x3f, 0xef, 0x90, 0x1c, 0x34, 0x8b, 0x10, 0x4a, 0xe9, 0x5f, 0x58, 0x8a, 0x0a, 0xf6, 0xfc, 0x39, 0xe5, 0x02, 0x0f, 0x72, 0xd9, 0x77, 0x0f, 0xfd, 0x31, 0xa6, 0xb5, 0xe9, 0x31, 0xc6, 0x14, 0xb2, 0xae, 0x98, 0x8e, 0xa1, 0x18, 0xef, 0x43, 0xed, 0x79, 0x5c, 0x63, 0x47, 0xfd, 0xb3, 0x42, 0x8a, 0x5d, 0x32, 0x22, 0x01, 0xef, 0x94, 0xec, 0xbd, 0xc8, 0x59, 0xf6, 0xf9, 0x97, 0xcf, 0xe6, 0x93, 0x88, 0x07, 0x0f, 0xc3, 0xd2, 0x36, 0xb4, 0x3f, 0x51, 0x58, 0xc6, 0x9f, 0x28, 0x0e, 0x88, 0x3d, 0x8f, 0x79, 0x52, 0x5e, 0x38, 0x06, 0x7e, 0x1f, 0xe1, 0x93, 0x10, 0x6e, 0x58, 0x2b, 0xab, 0x81, 0x98, 0x6e, 0x93, 0xc3, 0x02, 0xf7, 0x64, 0x96, 0x8a, 0xe5, 0x0b, 0x39, 0x5f, 0x6d, 0x05, 0x22, 0x6e, 0x26, 0xc3, 0xb7, 0x7f, 0x69, 0x91, 0x9d, 0xa7, 0x54, 0xb0, 0x1f, 0x40, 0xfc, 0x2a, 0x98, 0x73, 0x49, 0x7f, 0xc1, 0x73, 0x2e, 0x92, 0x4c, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x0b, 0x70, 0xf3, 0x0d, 0xed, 0x90, 0x0c, 0x42, 0x86, 0x85, 0x4a, 0xf5, 0xa2, 0x22, 0x11, 0x32, 0x10, 0xab, 0x45, 0x20, 0x68, 0x64, 0x85, 0xf9, 0x0e, 0x15, 0xf2, 0x39, 0xe0, 0x40, 0x6b, 0xc5, 0x24, 0x16, 0x17, 0xaf, 0x64, 0x44, 0xa1, 0x9e, 0xc4, 0xe5, 0xe3, 0x69, 0xaf, 0x7a, 0x16, 0xd0, 0xd6, 0x95, 0x49, 0x4a, 0xbe, 0x6b, 0x14, 0xeb, 0xca, 0x92, 0xf0, 0x1e, 0x29, 0x60, 0xfd, 0x51, 0xb8, 0xd8, 0xab, 0x78, 0xd4, 0xc4, 0xa7, 0x19, 0xcd, 0x96, 0xf1, 0x69, 0xc6, 0xcc, 0x80, 0x44, 0x7f, 0x9a, 0x71, 0x49, 0x3f, 0x48, 0x66, 0x33, 0x16, 0x4b, 0x8b, 0x86, 0x9a, 0x46, 0x82, 0xde, 0x77, 0xc8, 0x35, 0x4d, 0xa8, 0xca, 0x3e, 0xbe, 0xc0, 0x14, 0xa1, 0xfe, 0x79, 0x83, 0x80, 0xaa, 0x61, 0x5a, 0x65, 0x8f, 0xea, 0x97, 0xb5, 0x77, 0x4a, 0xe5, 0x1a, 0xaf, 0xed, 0x52, 0xad, 0x24, 0x83, 0x56, 0x73, 0x8e, 0x5f, 0xff, 0xe0, 0x75, 0x40, 0xb0, 0xfe, 0xc5, 0x1b, 0x49, 0x07, 0x6f, 0x24, 0x7d, 0x80, 0xe1, 0x3e, 0x52, 0x7b, 0x9d, 0x54, 0x3c, 0x81, 0xf1, 0xfc, 0xd5, 0x52, 0x8f, 0x87, 0xea, 0x7e, 0x9d, 0xf0, 0x58, 0xc0, 0xf9, 0x35, 0x3b, 0x7f, 0xc3, 0xff, 0x3f, 0xec, 0x93, 0xbe, 0x62, 0xa3, 0xf0, 0x4a, 0xc9, 0x45, 0xe3, 0x33, 0x58, 0xa9, 0x95, 0xae, 0xae, 0x95, 0x3d, 0xd2, 0x3b, 0x63, 0x71, 0xa8, 0x1e, 0xc0, 0xba, 0xbe, 0x82, 0x9c, 0xf7, 0xc8, 0x0e, 0xad, 0x58, 0x94, 0x95, 0xb6, 0x4c, 0xb8, 0xdb, 0x1a, 0x1e, 0x4a, 0x6e, 0xef, 0x01, 0xb9, 0xb5, 0xf6, 0x58, 0x4d, 0xad, 0xc5, 0xf3, 0x66, 0x31, 0x3c, 0x66, 0xd1, 0xa5, 0xc4, 0x50, 0xb3, 0x02, 0x43, 0x17, 0x6d, 0x53, 0x17, 0x77, 0x9a, 0x39, 0xc3, 0x9d, 0x40, 0x23, 0xff, 0xb0, 0xc8, 0xdd, 0xa6, 0x09, 0x97, 0xae, 0x97, 0x34, 0x05, 0xb4, 0x0c, 0x05, 0x28, 0x5d, 0xb5, 0x57, 0xff, 0xab, 0xd2, 0x59, 0x97, 0xdf, 0xbb, 0xb5, 0xfc, 0x6e, 0x5e, 0x63, 0x7b, 0x0d, 0xd7, 0x58, 0xdd, 0x83, 0x6b, 0xef, 0x9f, 0xb6, 0xf6, 0xd8, 0xfa, 0xf7, 0x96, 0x72, 0x93, 0xda, 0x29, 0x1b, 0xdf, 0x5c, 0xff, 0x4b, 0x8d, 0xec, 0x75, 0x7f, 0x53, 0x29, 0xee, 0x1d, 0x03, 0xcc, 0x95, 0xf2, 0xde, 0x51, 0xe6, 0x61, 0xa2, 0xe7, 0xe1, 0xaa, 0x31, 0x26, 0x2f, 0xba, 0x45, 0x63, 0xac, 0x96, 0x9f, 0x87, 0x2b, 0xf9, 0xd9, 0x30, 0x84, 0x51, 0xad, 0xb9, 0xf5, 0x13, 0x72, 0x7b, 0xbd, 0x21, 0xbd, 0x59, 0x45, 0xf5, 0xb1, 0x51, 0x51, 0xdd, 0xad, 0x57, 0x54, 0x35, 0x05, 0xaa, 0xe2, 0xea, 0xa7, 0x16, 0xb9, 0xd7, 0x34, 0x45, 0x16, 0x97, 0x97, 0xfb, 0x57, 0x5a, 0x25, 0x8b, 0x8d, 0xb1, 0x6f, 0x53, 0x07, 0xf1, 0x5e, 0xb3, 0x3f, 0x15, 0x5c, 0xa4, 0xd1, 0xf2, 0x93, 0x9b, 0x3f, 0x74, 0xd3, 0x2c, 0x49, 0x59, 0x26, 0x96, 0x1f, 0x94, 0x01, 0xf7, 0xc3, 0x74, 0xf2, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xa3, 0x49, 0x0f, 0xff, 0x03, 0xfb, 0xf1, 0x7f, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc6, 0x54, 0xa4, 0x8e, 0x16, 0x2b, 0x00, 0x00, }