import HTTP from "../../../../../requestFn/Api" var QQMapWX = require('../../../utils/qqmap-wx-jssdk.min.js'); var qqmapsdk = new QQMapWX({ key: 'ZZFBZ-RK6L6-FPZS5-E3MBZ-63LS2-7WBJE' // 必填 }); const app = getApp(); import openIM from "../../../../../utils/openim" Page({ data: { detail: {}, current: 0, autoplay: true, duration: 500, interval: 5000, garden_id: null, pay_time_type: { 1: '月付', 2: '季付', 3: '半年付', 4: '年付' }, direction: { 1: '东', 2: '南', 3: '西', 4: '北' }, rent_type: { 1: '整租', 2: '合租', 3: '转租' }, special_conf: { 1: '智能门锁', 2: 'WIFI', 3: '近地铁', 4: '停车位', 5: '独卫', 6: '私人阳台', 7: '首次出租' }, base_conf: { 1: { name: "床", icon: "/static/base_conf/ic_bedroom.png" }, 2: { name: "天然气", icon: "/static/base_conf/meiqitianranqi.png" }, 3: { name: "暖气", icon: "/static/base_conf/nuanqi.png" }, 4: { name: "宽带", icon: "/static/base_conf/kuandai.png" }, 5: { name: "冰箱", icon: "/static/base_conf/bingxiang.png" }, 6: { name: "衣柜", icon: "/static/base_conf/yigui.png" }, 7: { name: "沙发", icon: "/static/base_conf/shafa.png" }, 8: { name: "空调", icon: "/static/base_conf/kongtiao.png" }, 9: { name: "电视机", icon: "/static/base_conf/dianshiji-.png" }, 10: { name: "热水器", icon: "/static/base_conf/reshuiqi.png" }, 11: { name: "洗衣机", icon: "/static/base_conf/xiyiji.png" }, }, manager_list: [], garden_info: {}, total: 0, tabList: [{ text: '交通', key: "交通" }, { text: '商超', key: "商超" }, { text: '教育', key: "教育" }, { text: '餐饮', key: "餐饮" }, { text: '金融', key: "金融" }, { text: '医疗', key: "医疗" }, { text: '外卖', key: "外卖" }, ], renthouse_list: [], bottom: 0, keyword: "交通", longitude: 0, latitude: 0 }, onLoad() { const { screenHeight, safeArea } = app.globalData.systemInfo; const { bottom } = safeArea; let safeHeight = screenHeight - bottom; this.setData({ bottom: safeHeight }); }, onShow(options) { const that = this; const eventChannel = that.getOpenerEventChannel() eventChannel.on('acceptDataFromOpenerPage', function (data) { const strData = JSON.stringify(data); const { garden_id, id, lat: latitude, lnt: longitude } =[0] that.setData({ detail: {[0], rent_id:[0].id }, latitude, longitude, strData }) that.getHouse_manager(garden_id, id); that.getGardenInfo(garden_id); that.getRentHouse(garden_id); that.nearby_search() }) }, previewImage(e) { wx.previewImage({ current:[e.currentTarget.dataset.index], urls:, }); }, getHouse_manager(garden_id, rent_id) { HTTP.HouseManager({ garden_id, rent_id }).then(res => { this.setData({ manager_list: res.list }) }) }, callManager(e) { const { id } = e.currentTarget; const { name, phone } = => == id)[0] wx.navigateTo({ url: `../manager/manager?name=${name}&phone=${phone}`, }) }, getGardenInfo(garden_id) { HTTP.GardenInfo({ garden_id }).then(res => { this.setData({ garden_info: res }) }) }, async getRentHouse(garden_id) { let data = await HTTP.RentHouse({ garden_id, approve_status: 2, page: 1, page_size: 9999 }) const { list, total } = data; let newarr = list.slice(0, 5) this.setData({ total: total, renthouse_list: newarr }) }, goRentHouse() { // const { // garden_id, // garden_name // } =; // let pages = getCurrentPages(); // let prevPage = pages[pages.length - 2]; // prevPage.setData({ // searchData: { // garden_id // } // }) wx.navigateTo({ url: '../renthouse/renthouse', }) }, tabChangeHandle(e) { const { value: keyword } = e.detail; this.setData({ keyword, }) this.nearby_search(); }, phoneManager() { wx.makePhoneCall({ phoneNumber:, }) }, CallManager(e) { const { phone: phoneNumber } = e.currentTarget.dataset; wx.makePhoneCall({ phoneNumber, }) }, garden_detail() { const { garden_info, detail } =; wx.navigateTo({ url: '../garden-detail/garden-detail', success: function (res) { res.eventChannel.emit('acceptDataFromOpenerPage', { garden_info: { ...detail, ...garden_info, } }) } }) }, appointmentHouse() { const that = this; wx.navigateTo({ url: '../appointment/appointment', success: function (res) { res.eventChannel.emit('acceptDataFromOpenerPage', { detail: {, rent_id: } }) } }) }, goHouseDetail(e) { const { house } = e.currentTarget.dataset; let data = [house] wx.navigateTo({ url: '../detail/detail', success: function (res) { res.eventChannel.emit('acceptDataFromOpenerPage', { data }) } }) }, goMapPlan() { const { addr, lat, lnt } =; // let plugin = requirePlugin('routePlan'); // let key = 'ZZFBZ-RK6L6-FPZS5-E3MBZ-63LS2-7WBJE'; //使用在腾讯位置服务申请的key // let referer = '易小居'; //调用插件的app的名称 // let endPoint = JSON.stringify({ //终点 // 'name': addr, // 'latitude': lat, // 'longitude': lnt // }); // wx.navigateTo({ // url: 'plugin://routePlan/index?key=' + key + '&referer=' + referer + '&endPoint=' + endPoint // }) // wx.navigateTo({ // url: `../map/map?lat=${lat}&lnt=${lnt}`, // }) wx.openLocation({ latitude: lat, longitude: lnt, address: addr, scale: 18, fail(err) { wx.showToast({ title: '请再次尝试', icon: "none" }) } }) }, nearby_search() { var _this = this; const { keyword, latitude, longitude } =; // 调用接口{ keyword, //搜索关键词 location: { latitude, longitude }, success: function (res) { //搜索成功后的回调 var mks = [] for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { mks.push({ // 获取返回结果,放到mks数组中 title:[i].title, id: i, latitude:[i], longitude:[i].location.lng, width: 20, height: 20, callout: { content:[i].title, color: '#333', fontSize: 14, padding: 8, display: 'BYCLICK', textAlign: 'center' } }) } _this.setData({ //设置markers属性,将搜索结果显示在地图中 markers: mks }) }, fail: function (res) { wx.showToast({ title: '查询失败', icon: "none" }) }, }); }, goChat() { const that =this; const { manager_list, strData: cardDesc, } =; const itemList = =>; wx.showActionSheet({ itemList, itemColor: "#03BB7A", success(res) { app.sendCard(cardDesc,that,res); } }) } })