import HTTP from "../../../../requestFn/Api" const app = getApp(); Page({ data: { garden_id: null, class_list: [], class_id: 0, class_name: "全部", phone_list: [], page: 1, page_size: 10, has_more: true, }, onLoad(options) { const that = this; const { garden_id } = app.globalData; if (garden_id) { that.setData({ garden_id }) } that.getPhone_class(garden_id); }, onShow() { this.init(); }, init() { this.setData({ page: 1, has_more: true }) this.getPhone(true) }, getPhone_class(garden_id) { const that = this; HTTP.GetPhone_class({ garden_id, page: 1, page_size: 9999, }).then(res => { const class_list = res.list.filter(item => item.enable); that.setData({ class_list: [{ id: 0, class_name: "全部" }, ...class_list] }) }) }, getPhone(flag = false) { const that = this; let { class_id, garden_id, page, page_size, phone_list } =; HTTP.GetPhone({ garden_id, page, page_size, class_id }).then(res => { const newArray = res.list.filter(item => item.enable) that.setData({ phone_list: flag ? newArray : [...newArray, ...phone_list], page: ++page, has_more: page_size === newArray.length }) }) }, bindPickerChange(e) { const that = this; const { class_list, } = const { value } = e.detail; const class_id = class_list[value].id that.setData({ class_name: class_list[value].class_name, class_id }); that.init() }, callphone(e) { const { phone } = e.currentTarget.dataset; wx.makePhoneCall({ phoneNumber: phone, }) }, onReachBottom() { if (! { wx.showToast({ title: '没有更多数据了', icon: 'none' }) return console.log('没有更多数据了'); } this.getPhone() }, onPullDownRefresh: function () { app.onRefresh(); this.init(); }, })